new game, new happiness. After the first impressions of the first two days it went on Saturday and Sunday on through the halls. I feel after it was on Saturday "fair level-technical" even more unbearable to some extent. If we had done it, so shortly before noon to grab a table somewhere for an interesting game publisher and then the bad hours (up to 15.oo Clock) to spend playing was over the worst. I had the feeling that this year again was emptier than the years before. Maybe I'm just become a little thinner and get better through the cracks in the crowds, but I can not imagine actually. At least, not loaded down with bags and bags full of games.
Even if it so this year was not so apparent is necessary, Saturday because of the crowds at the tables my Haupteinkaufstag. I unfold from my pre-orders and buy any things that I previously the two days already could take a look. This has been proven in recent years and most are also all the games that I want to have, in stock ... who needs "Duck Dealer"?
On Sunday I will then finish off the show relish. This year the time change also sweetened with another hour of sleep at night, I stroll quietly through the halls, try out the one or more other game ... ok, not really. Sunday's again really stressful when I see how few have the "must try" games I have not done. Brief panic attacks, from a hall into another dive and occasionally stop by from time to time in Fair Play Scout, I might have anyway something missing. I LOVE the show ;-)
This is why I still give you a few more brief comment:
- For Winning Moves we played a game of " Hab & Gut " by Carlo A. Rossi
and were absolutely not amused. No one was really convinced, and the majority of the (added 5) players even said that DAS now not really needed.
The mechanism by selecting the cards from the left and right movement is probably quite nice, with not a complete game. Otherwise remain only one variant remains of the old stock exchange game. And that's just too little. - In contrast, I added "... but please with Cream" by Jeffrey D. Allers, also published by Winning Moves, really liked. A nice night cap, so to speak
as dessert for the evening games with a new theme. The "you're sharing - I look out" mechanism is also played with us at the kitchen table again and again and is therefore deeply rooted in my soul players. That "... please with cream " but works with exactly 11 pieces per cake, is really nasty. For any number of players that is a uniform distribution is possible because prime. A pretty predicament with quick and short decisions. have
- At Amigo we are a lot of 'Lord of the goats "played. Here, Günter Burkhardt his
basic idea of " copper boiler & Co." in 2001 (published by Gold Sieber) again used the game beefed up to five players and get a new graphics donated. To me that the game becomes confusing, however. All the different goats look very nice and are (at least in the first game) funny, but always keep track of who has just now where the majority of goats in the detection and which must be immediately checked, have some demands on my now flabby brain. Still a nice game for Between.
- Unfortunately I have not been able to " Byzantium" by Emanuele Ornella (also Amigo) to find a table somewhere. I would like to try out yet, but I think it will in the next few weeks just another blind purchase. So far I have really liked all of it very good (the best so far " Oltremare - Merchants of Venice " published by Mind the Move).
- On Sunday evening we have appeared at home games during the final evening, too, "Snow Tails " by Gordon and Fraser Lamont at Fragor Games put on the table. Although we have only played the first proposed beginners, but the tax the carriage of two dogs and a braking circuit card has very fascinating. I also found it especially funny that I with my superior Formula Dé-knowledge ("inside track because GUUUUHHHT shortest path through the turns!") Have driven completely into the snow drifts. In "Snow Tails " it seems like, my first impression after a lost game, perhaps a little longer, but using right winger in the curves. First, you then have more of a balanced sled and can use bonus movements and second, you have fewer problems, his team again to pull out of the drift. An interesting experience. This game will, according to the semi-disappointing " Antler Iceland " from last year (cute characters but rather weak game) certainly create many off the shelf out.
- The highlight of the second half show to me was quite clearly " Dominion" by Donald X. Vaccarino, published by Hans im Glück. The game was praised before the show, especially from the states for good. Irritated some readers even spoke of "hype". (Hey, a new entry for my players terminology! ... Make a quick little note.)
I am of the opinion that all the positive pre-coverage was initially justified once. The game is really outstanding. Not only because of the nearly 500 cards in the Box, but mainly because of the new mechanisms. to integrate the idea of the most boring and not at all, unfortunately, interactive part of the trading card games, namely the deck structure, in the game play and thus the aspect of player to complement compete with the best deal the cards, you have to come first! Even with the seemingly little interactive basic set of Kingdom cards (which are proposed by the rule of the game for the first game) to come to a tingling tension that makes you want more. Now I'm hooked
, but handicapped by the fact that my wife and first-choice partner on a business trip, even the BSW me rediscovered. Can I still play there a couple of quick games Dominion between. But: The online version comes with the original and limited. Interestingly, I feel very things, which decreases the computer to a line, as that is the tightening, the regular mix of private decks and adding up their own operations and cash cards very supportive atmosphere. When I record my discard pile and begin to mix, then I know I am all of the beautiful new cards, which I have just bought in the previous round, now can draw directly. The tension increases the in any case. With the online version, it seems to me almost a little random. The computer mixes my cards without great to inform me. Here what I am missing somehow. Maybe even just a short reflection between the passages of my deck, what has changed now that await me cards now.
So at least for now I'm playing " Dominion " rather at the table, even if it takes a little longer.
- " Sylla " by Dominique Erhard appeared at Ystari: The game I had in the Deluxe Edition (With the lovely silver metal coins) and pre-order now wait eagerly for the first game. The rules read very well and I expect much of it.
- " After the Flood" by Martin Wallace, published by Treefrog: Already "Tinners' Trail" helped me a lot of fun, so I could play at the new Treefrog Line of Martin's passing by, of course. A game that is playable exclusively on third, this still relatively rare.
- "Le Havre " by Uwe Rosenberg, published by Lookout: that someone has not bought? I think not. The queues outside the Lookout booth while I'm escape (you hear of waiting times around 45 minutes!) and immediately got my desired goodies and games, but I played it, unfortunately, not yet. I have not even been unpacked! Is high time that weekend.
- " Ghost Stories" by Antoine Bauza, published by Repos: Here I was, I admit, overran the graphics and the cooperative character. Generally were cooperative games this year anyway finally the big hit. I just love this kind of voltage to the game. (This also determines what I write.)
- " Krakow 1325 AD" by Peter Struijf, published by Geode: After Peter us the match on Saturday briefly between the door and Angel has said very enthusiastically and personally (unfortunately there was no place to play), I've taken it promptly. Now I know that the author once worked as a manager in Indonesia and his colleagues at that time the game were also good and Peter and his prints have been fatally hit exactly the right time. No information that you need for a purchasing decision, but funny when on the otherwise hectic fair sometimes leaves room for such details.
- ... and a few more. Let's see them for what I am going to write something in the next few weeks.
Conclusion: The year 2008 is drawing to a close. Just two lousy cold months with this funny Christmas at the end. But the Games year with the closing of the fair gates over. It ended well - excellent even. Much better than I could hope yet to Nuremberg in the spring, from where I was really blown away to nothing. Essen 2008 was again a wonderful experience with many exciting new products and a few outstanding games.
There are certainly a lot of games that I have in the short Time nor play at all could only watch. Therefore, it is me not determined in the next few months to get bored. But in our fast-paced games of yesterday are unfortunately almost forgotten already. I almost suspect that most of what I still do not have the shelf, even more land there is. Example, if I eventually have a " The Prince of Maccu Pichu " play or buy? Whether " Planet Steam " still lost to me? And what about "Duck dealer? I do not know yet, but I'm very excited.