so, because I finally, finally, unreasonable demands of the intellectual in my sociology studies released here my mischievous-spiteful There
Surely, despite all among the few students of sufficient intellectual level: mocking laughter of my fellow students, a wonderful passage from the classic "about the miserable in the student milieu. Mastering these without difficulty, the miserable performance assessments that are tailored to the mediocre and they mostly just because they have seen through the system, it despised, and know that they are his enemies. You take the best that the university system has to offer: the scholarships. By exploiting the vulnerabilities of control, their own logic they dazuzwingt here today, a small purely intellectual realm of "research" to maintain, drive them to calm the unrest to the extreme: their open contempt for the system is paired with the clairvoyance that allows them to just emmöglicht be stronger than the servant of the system - and first in the intellectual field. Those of which we speak, and already coming to the theorists of revolutionary movement and are aware that they will come along with it to the public. They hide no one that they use what they see as easily to the "study system" to its destruction. Because the student can not rebel against, without rebelling against his studies and he feels the necessity of this rebellion, of course, less than the workers, who rebels against his position spontaneously. But the student is a product of modern society, just as Godard and Coca-Cola. His extreme alienation can be criticized only by the criticism of the whole society. Under no circumstances can these comments be completed on the student's area: the student presume of itself to a pseudo-value, which forbids him to his real expropriation to be aware of and he remains on top of false consciousness. But wherever the modern society is beginning to be criticized for breaking a revolt going on the youth that directly corresponds to a total critique of student behavior.
two should rehearse to meet quality illustrate the text:
Its extremely poor economic situation of the student sentenced to a very unenviable form of survival. But always pleased with himself, he raises his misery trivial to an original "lifestyle": cultured and bohemian poverty. The "Boheme," which is already far from being an original solution will really only be lived after a final and irrevocable break with the Universititsmilieu. Their supporters among the students (and all flirt with it being a little) cling so only at an artificial and run-down version of what best only a mediocre individual solution. So as to earn the contempt even by old ladies in the country. Thirty years after Wilhelm Reich (8), this outstanding educator of young people have these "originals" still the most traditional and erotic love Ever Hold ways and reproduce in their sexual relations, the general relations of class society. The ability of the student, a militant leave any caliber speaks volumes about his impotence. Within the scope of individual freedom that is allowed by the totalitarian spectacle, and despite his more or less flexible timetable, the student still ignored the adventure and draws to it scarcely measured daily Space-time before, which was set up for him by the guards of the same spectacle.
"To be avant-garde, to keep step with reality" (16). The radical critique of the modern world now has to have the totality of the object and purpose. You must inextricably their real past, that is what they really relate to their Pespektiven change. To tell the whole truth of the contemporary world and formulate the project even more of their total subversion, one must be able to reveal all their hidden history, that is completely demystifies and generally critical of the history of the entire to consider international revolutionary movement with its defeats and victories, is the cause of the proletariat of Western countries for more than a century. "This movement against the entire organization of the old world has long since come to an end" (17) and failed. With the defeat of the proletarian revolution in Spain (Barcelona in May 1937) is the last time they entered appearance in the history. Your official "Lost" or "victory" have judged in the light, however, their extensions and their truth will be restored. So it is claimed, we can show that "there are defeats, the victories, and victories are more shameful than defeats" (Karl Liebknecht, the day before his assassination). The first major "defeat" of the proletarian power, the Paris Commune is, in fact represents its first major victory, because for the first time, the "primitive" proletariat asserts its historical ability to make free all aspects of public life. Accordingly, it was the first major "victory", the Bolshevik Revolution, in the end only its most serious defeat. The triumph of the Bolshevik order coincides with the movement of international counter-revolution, which began with the defeat of Spartacus by the German "social democracy" began. Your common triumph was lower than its apparent opposite and this Bolshevik order also identified only a new disguise and a special form of the old order dar. The results of the Russian counter-revolution were inside the establishment and development of a new exploitation way of the bureaucratic state capitalism, and the exterior, the multiplication of sections of the so-called Communist International as the offices for the defense and expansion of its model. Thus, capitalism flourished in its new administrative and civil variants of the tombs of the Kronstadt sailors and the Ukrainian peasants, the workers of Berlin, Kiel, Turin, Shanghai and later Barcelona.
it is way too soon in ceeieh items to the situationist international giving. watch out!
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