Friday, October 5, 2007

How Much To Charge On Create An Invitation

Advent, Advent, a light is burning

Less than two weeks! Then the show finally opens its doors for thousands of games enthusiasts from home and abroad. Food is the hub of the world and I am for a week completely out of reach for anything that is not directly related to games. A great time. I'm looking forward. Therefore, the weeks just before the fair, every year as from 1 October mean Advent (from Latin: Adventus, arrivals).

the good intent of last year , this time a little "worse" prepared to plunge into the halls I will be able to meet a limited extent. Especially in recent days appear almost hourly to new rules of the game downloads that I at least look at short times, usually read and then click the "must see" list set.

But I should start again. What is my personal preparations for the fair? The most important holiday, especially take . In the last 20 (?) Years, there was no reason for me not any of the four days to be in food. Since I have been a few years pursuing an so-called regular job and no longer have long-term student, the result is the need for early allows for the week to sign the Games Fair holidays. Luckily I have my colleagues now have become educated enough that no raised eyebrows happen more when I tell that I want to spend a week of my life with board games in the crowded halls and stuffy air ... they do not understand, tolerate this little character flaw, however.

The second important issue is the logistics of the four days. Since I perform every year with a small crowd of people, of course, includes a hearty games this evening after the closing of the gates. That is to be prepared. For game is fortunately provided sufficient, but need food, drinks and additional facilities to be prepared. This little concept is created, to which the four days will be eaten by whom, and what preparations must be made to do so. I myself (okay, I admit it, my dear lovely fiancee) cook at two of the four days, and of course, only courts be eligible, you can prepare the evening and then have to make only warm. Pasta with red sauce, the classic is, every year. Stews, soups, we had it all. Cooked in the three days before the show, possibly frozen and fast in the morning before leaving the house to thaw in the refrigerator. The culinary logistics, we have under control. Last

( Last ? Ha!) But is of course the preparation for the Games themselves given it has been proven in recent years, the new list of Spielbox to hand (in Bookmarks) to have. In this year because of the game box KMW reduce his work heavily on this list had to further interesting previews appeared. Among other things, find the list detailed information, pictures and first impressions of many new products.

But there is again my problem with too much information. Last year I experienced for the first time that you well can be prepared (I reported). I was with such a great wealth of knowledge (and prejudices) came to dinner that I realized afterwards that I'm not the really good games. Of those I knew anyway that I would buy it. This has tarnished my impression of the last Spielertage actually a little bit. That is why I am following this year's concept of "Less is More!"

This year I've been consciously decided against a detailed study of all new products. I chose consciously, games preorder only a very limited extent. Well, one way or another rule, I always print out more and read it at night before going to sleep, the Erklärbär wants to be fed, but not nearly in the wealth as last year. I hope that this approach is a more relaxed and exciting exhibition. I will of course report here if it was successful.

Nevertheless, a few games now generate a big stain on my news radar:
  • " Galaxy Trucker " by Vlaada Chvatil will appear in Czech Games Edition . Last year I was completely Vlaada (by first difficulty) to convince his " Through the Ages", this year I hope for its novelty of an entirely different, but very funny feeling. Race with piecemeal spaceships, satirical (and very well written) rules, a little real time, a little strategy, it sounds like fun.
  • " Amyitis " by Cyril Demaegd, Ystari Games . On the last show you could (on demand) on Stand by Ystari Games already admire the future cover, this year we can finally play it then. The manigfaltigen opportunities that promise the rules let me hope at a strategically challenging, full-length play. (Amyitis "... how do you pronounce that I should write here, fortunately only ...?)
  • " Perry Rhodan: The cosmic Hanse "is by Henry Glumpler at Cosmos in the" 2 players "series appear. About this game I know almost nothing. But "Perry Rhodan"? The hero of my childhood, born again in a game of Heinrich Glumpler? any time, without batting an eyelid. Moreover, one can not help a German publisher, of a science fiction game on the market which support. The two giants here of the German publishing industry have found (Perry Rhodan is known to be the largest space series in the world), I find great. I hope that the cosmos may be welcomed by a lot of new players.
I look forward to the show. These four days are for me the best time of year. I think we will all together have a lot of fun.


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