players terminology: Hype and Buzz
To come straight to predict (and for those who come out anyway on the first paragraph): There is one important difference between " hype" and "Buzz . The term "hype" has negative connotations, while "Buzz" something positive is. The distinction between the two is, of course, as so often in the eye of the beholder, but nevertheless I think that deserves a more precise definition.
Ok, now that we have among us the details. In the discussion yet published news, for example, before eating or Nuremberg, again and again the term "hype " on. is (to hype sth = exaggerate somewhat artificial, stimulate from the English) relatives to but occupied a fundamentally different way of: can hype (perhaps best translated with
) is also Germanized use as a verb props for something term " Buzz " (Actually sums, but here rather enthusiasm ). While hype is occupied rather negative, Buzz is evidence of a positive evaluation by the reader or set Rezipenten.
The difference between the two terms is now in the German language is not immediately clear to everyone, making it a native speaker from the U.S. or UK ever funny happened to sound if here be discussed by us by hype for certain games, even though actually Buzz was meant.
A game that is the publisher and its representatives with early praise, possibly even a shortage is apparently artificial (" Strictly Limited to only 1500 copies! ") and is praised general primarily by the author and his family in the highest tones, has a hype. This is, fortunately, in recent years only occurred very rarely. Hypes in this simplicity and placed so stupid, it nearly not at all.
From Buzz contrast is when the game possibly on many different players in advance in demo groups, or review copies could be tried out and it is generally a positive mood, a pleasant base totals are for the game.
Making the distinction is of course fundamentally different from our own sensibilities, from the perceived quality from the game, if it was actually comes to the table. If I do not like a game, I am much more inclined (although this may be unfair) he subsequently award a hype. The assessment of "hype" or "Buzz" should actually be possible on our own experience.
But this is just theory. Of interest is the application of these definitions in practice.
The most controversial case (well, at least the most hotly debated) is certainly " Dominion" by Donald X. Vaccarino, published by Hans im Glück. In my opinion, a very outstanding game with huge replay appeal, lots of variety, good mechanisms and one kilograms of fun in the box. No wonder It, therefore, that I should be about Dominion around in the first place as "Buzz" perceive. The most severe criticism revolves around the developer Valerie Putman and Dale Yu. They had the American publisher Rio Grande Games, the task to the fine-tuning to get the game to perform and plunged boldly into the matter. Through a seemingly endless number of rounds of tests on various conventions it was so relatively early in a formation of opinion in relation to " Dominion . However, since the games were allowed to say anything about the game testers initially and their first experience should not discuss publicly, was the game (which was at that time " Game X ', and because even the title was secret) quickly assumed a hype. Cheered on the whole was the fact that Valerie and Dale in their regular columns on always Dominion reported and those players who are not yet in the enjoyment of a sample game, the proverbial carrot on the hook to his nose were hanged.
I think hype is so out of place. Sure, Valerie and Dale have a lot of promotion for "their" product made, but most of the buzz was clear from the numerous Test players. Even if we assume Rio Grande Games like that are a lot of hard work by these first became aware of the game (after all It is the first "real" game of Mr. Vaccarino, if you trust the BoardGameGeek must), one must remember that the charges manigfaltigen opinions that were posted after the airing of secrecy, a very consistent picture.
But I will not close without at least also give a brief example of a hype. In order not to connect to many people on the little toe, I choose a game from a previous year. "Khronos " by Arnaud Urbon and Ludovic Vialla, published by Matagot. Here I am myself a victim and I have the game at the 2006 Fair bought almost indiscriminately (as Ettlich hundred others also, if the reports to be believed). It sounded too tempting but also . A game with a time travel theme, at least that was once new. The disillusionment came back home to unpack. The quality of the enclosed wood pieces was very ... modest. Although these were quickly replaced by the publisher against better, but the first gnawing doubt. As a rule of the game then even relatively unmotivated and poorly translated mainly came along, it was almost over with the good mood. Since then it did not matter that the game itself is only just make it as "ok" went through. Here, too much good will was already burned.
Matagot has raised the whole, very classic. On the website (before the fair) was hardly anything about the game itself . Read But a very well-made promotional video was very appealing computer animation to the background of the game (time travel, yes, I said already, sounded good!). Of course, one was in the run indicated that the support is limited (which circulation is not it?) And that it is better to strike immediately at the fair. When buying one was not, of course highlighted the poor quality of the wood pieces, and why? The instructions booklet, open copy that could be played on the stand, had indeed been better material. Classic halt.
Overall, I must say that the danger of hype in recent years has decreased significantly. Full refunds Preliminary on the relevant websites help tremendously to get even before the appearance of a game a comprehensive picture. The important thing is that these sources is generally not all are controlled by the same body. In BoardGameGeek will discuss new games, it will be match reports posted with prototypes. In Spielboxforum is the appearance of instructions on the websites of the respective publishers noted almost immediately. Board Game News has his ear more in tune with the publishers and can then provide you with news. I think we live in a favorable (game) world.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
How To Get Rid Of Red Bumps On Face
Firstly, secondly, thirdly
are the latest since Wolfgang Kramer's " Niki Lauda's Formula 1 ", published in 1980 at ASA become an integral part of board game auctions. Were they at the beginning or directly adapted from the auctions in auction houses and also rarely used as the main mechanism, they are but since " Modern Art " by Reiner Knizia, published by Hans im Glück, even as a supporting role in games imaginable.
" Modern Art" is a prime example, can be handled as different auctions in board games. In this pure auction game the year 1992, each round one or several paintings of the players (in the role of art critics, collectors and gallery owners) auctioned. Note that there is " Modern Art " three different ways in which an auction can be made:
Reiner Knizia, which is published in 2000 in Jumbo. Here are the maps offered in a so-called "Dutch Auction" will be sold. It is on a mechanical auction clock from above the amount to be paid less and less. Once the price a player appropriately appears, he bangs the big hand in the middle, so that keeps the clock and paid the price obtained. To the considerable noise from the plastic watch is ticking down here that is also the stress factor added time. "If someone cut in front of me on the Clock? How much are the cards with this round?". A game that's not to be played.
Another interesting example of the auction mechanisms can be found in the game "fresh catch " by Andreas Pelikan, published by Queen. Here, the tables turned and the price is already very clear at the beginning. Each offer is this game for exactly 10 € on the counter. The role of the auctioneer is in " Fang fresh "as long as additional set additional fish to the offer until someone cuts the player who pressed the bell and all collecting for a fixed price. From the mechanism of her unusual and because of the beautiful and primarily are bell not for small children (or my . nerves)
But one question remains:. Why are games actually used auctions The answer to split the players of the nation into two basic camps one hand, those who see in auctions exciting and balancing game elements, and thereby find ways of an EMS other times a tiny herauszuschinden advantage over other players. Whether through better evaluation of the tender or psychological tricks. On the other hand, writers are often accused of laziness in auctions of only resort. Followers of this group claim that often the fine-tuning the game mechanics from the designer on the particular game group is to be passed. The fact that players make in the auction the evaluation of the options, the author has to make in the run-not so much about the game balance.
I am one who would have thought the first group. For auctions with me are the best in game mechanics of our time. The variety of options always surprises me. Thus, for example the auctions in "Taj Mahal " where not only the last remaining player in the auction gets the goods, but where it simultaneously within an auction is about six different things. Click to fit the right time to get out and cash in, is an art in itself. Or the auction of the order of play and assignment of players to the two power blocs at the beginning of each round of "Struggle of Empires by Martin Wallace, published by Warfrog. Here is the winner of the auction paid for it, two nations (not necessarily his own) in the two, for this round of forming alliances to allocate. A great idea that gives the game a special urgency because you do when you're not prepared the corresponding Price to pay, often enforced peacefully alongside that nation finds that one in this round really wanted to run with his armies.
The art auction in games is the evaluation of the current situation. Depending on the game while the various mechanisms come into play. It sounds trite, but it is important to find out above all, who benefits from the current auction most. In games where the winner of the auction to pay the amount the bank needs to assess which is usually easier than in games where one player acting as auctioneer and the auction can put into his own pocket.
The question "How much money do I offer for a painting in "Modern Art"? answer, "already some analysts and strategists have driven to despair. Should we, in the light of the expected value of the painting at the end of the round, half of this value, two-thirds or maybe even just a little less than the expected value offer? If I get a picture, then I can claim the difference between the purchase price and the finally obtained value as profit. The seller, however, has paid me price as income as it the picture (contrary to the situation in the real world ) usually can not keep simple. He has to play in " Mordern Art " the paintings from his hand and auction it, so that they even have a value.
If buyers and sellers would agree that is always half of what would be, so the profit between the players spread the fairest. But oddly enough the other players play as normally and not have brazenly higher. Forego representing part of their profits to me to gain an edge over. A dilemma, one that causes not only since the advent of eBay's minds ...
seems easier because the situation in games where the value of the goods to be auctioned for each player is different. Whether through specialization of playing position or for other reasons. Sufficient here it often is to determine the current value and depending on the situation to pay this price or to try to stay under it. Here each player for himself is busy perfecting his evaluation criteria and to obtain the best price for themselves. Curiously, the quality of such a game for me usually rises with how difficult or unmanageable, the evaluation function is perfect. As long as I can from these games are still learning something new and can be factors and experiences in later games included in my evaluation, I am satisfied.
the topic of "auctions" I must of course also " Sylla " the 2008 novelty of Dominique Erhardt appeared, mention it in Ystari. " Sylla is one of the few games where four different auction mechanisms in a row in a round use.
At the beginning of the round will be awarded in a "one round" auction, the role of the First Consul. Here, each player in turn with both money and face up cards to be senator for the next round for the right to start player. Since money can be kept secret in this game, this uncertainty about the possibilities of the players is available if you have not counted accurately - and who does that for you.
offer then all players in the construction phase, again once around the table to the right to be allowed to take certain buildings from the board in its own window. Here, each player knows the possibilities of the subsequent player (face up character cards) and can begin his bid high.
Shortly thereafter, in the event phase, with colored wooden cubes, which must in every € Game, fought against the emerging problems of the Roman Empire. Who in several rounds around the table (until everyone has used all the dice), most plays dice on the four different events, may reap the corresponding rewards. Again, here at the start of the auction all players the opportunities aware of their competitors.
In the fourth and final auction each round will eventually turn to, this time sealed bid, money, and yet remaining senators to vote in the realization of the construction project provided the round. Here one can still not even on the bids of the other players respond as all the players simultaneously reveal their bid to the fist out.
four auctions in each of the five rounds. Four different mechanisms and a game in which little else happened. " Sylla " suffers in my opinion felt in this jumble of recommendations,
votes and alleged Taktierereien. The three or four Things else happen in a round ranged from my team-mates not to let the game to remain appealing. In the end it came before us in such a way as would the entire auction, the bonus points for this and that and the points through the balance after all construction projects. Plays out one player on the field a little, sometimes the other is a little behind. After the game even made the word "Any ..." the round.
would go as far as I'm not though, I'll certainly give the game another chance, but I think for these further tests, I have to find me another playgroup. After all, as I said, I like auctions, but perhaps is " Sylla " but a little too one-sided in this respect. I certainly have not found the perfect evaluation criteria. Potential is therefore for me as a lover of auction games definitely there.
" Modern Art" is a prime example, can be handled as different auctions in board games. In this pure auction game the year 1992, each round one or several paintings of the players (in the role of art critics, collectors and gallery owners) auctioned. Note that there is " Modern Art " three different ways in which an auction can be made:
- once round - Each player, starting at a starting player has exactly one opportunity to make a bid, leaving in following may not increase. Who wants to offer, you must name an amount that is higher than all previously mentioned or fit. The award goes to the player who has made an offer as the last.
This has of course the last player in the round is a serious advantage because he knows all the bids of other players and he himself only has to answer the question whether the object is worth standing up for auction this price - in the fist . - Here all players while providing an amount covered in the fist . At a signal out, all bids will be disclosed and the award goes to those players who was willing to pay the highest bid. Again, no reloading or an increase in the bid is possible.
The advantage here lies with the player, the player can evaluate his best. An auction of this kind is potentially connected to the seller at great risk, for example, if the general assessment of the Value of the property differs greatly from the actual value. Here, however, the potential benefits for the seller is not too bad if at least one player has estimated the value is significantly too high and therefore too much pay. Such miscalculations can be avoided by not revisiting this, in responding to the bids of the other players. - crisscross - perhaps the primary form of auction. All players call each its bid very confused and it is the job of the auctioneer to keep track and finally the contract to provide the player with the highest bid.
This is my opinion, the advantages and disadvantage of the hardest moor, since this estimate depends on many other factors that may be handled differently from playgroup to playgroup. For us it is like so happened that during one such auction information, taunts, "well-intentioned " tips and a little psychology into play. But not every game can be such a group attempts to influence or conversations and so can be a fun "all over" Auction mutate sometimes even to the brooding call of bids.
Another interesting example of the auction mechanisms can be found in the game "fresh catch " by Andreas Pelikan, published by Queen. Here, the tables turned and the price is already very clear at the beginning. Each offer is this game for exactly 10 € on the counter. The role of the auctioneer is in " Fang fresh "as long as additional set additional fish to the offer until someone cuts the player who pressed the bell and all collecting for a fixed price. From the mechanism of her unusual and because of the beautiful and primarily are bell not for small children (or my . nerves)
But one question remains:. Why are games actually used auctions The answer to split the players of the nation into two basic camps one hand, those who see in auctions exciting and balancing game elements, and thereby find ways of an EMS other times a tiny herauszuschinden advantage over other players. Whether through better evaluation of the tender or psychological tricks. On the other hand, writers are often accused of laziness in auctions of only resort. Followers of this group claim that often the fine-tuning the game mechanics from the designer on the particular game group is to be passed. The fact that players make in the auction the evaluation of the options, the author has to make in the run-not so much about the game balance.
I am one who would have thought the first group. For auctions with me are the best in game mechanics of our time. The variety of options always surprises me. Thus, for example the auctions in "Taj Mahal " where not only the last remaining player in the auction gets the goods, but where it simultaneously within an auction is about six different things. Click to fit the right time to get out and cash in, is an art in itself. Or the auction of the order of play and assignment of players to the two power blocs at the beginning of each round of "Struggle of Empires by Martin Wallace, published by Warfrog. Here is the winner of the auction paid for it, two nations (not necessarily his own) in the two, for this round of forming alliances to allocate. A great idea that gives the game a special urgency because you do when you're not prepared the corresponding Price to pay, often enforced peacefully alongside that nation finds that one in this round really wanted to run with his armies.
The art auction in games is the evaluation of the current situation. Depending on the game while the various mechanisms come into play. It sounds trite, but it is important to find out above all, who benefits from the current auction most. In games where the winner of the auction to pay the amount the bank needs to assess which is usually easier than in games where one player acting as auctioneer and the auction can put into his own pocket.
The question "How much money do I offer for a painting in "Modern Art"? answer, "already some analysts and strategists have driven to despair. Should we, in the light of the expected value of the painting at the end of the round, half of this value, two-thirds or maybe even just a little less than the expected value offer? If I get a picture, then I can claim the difference between the purchase price and the finally obtained value as profit. The seller, however, has paid me price as income as it the picture (contrary to the situation in the real world ) usually can not keep simple. He has to play in " Mordern Art " the paintings from his hand and auction it, so that they even have a value.
If buyers and sellers would agree that is always half of what would be, so the profit between the players spread the fairest. But oddly enough the other players play as normally and not have brazenly higher. Forego representing part of their profits to me to gain an edge over. A dilemma, one that causes not only since the advent of eBay's minds ...
seems easier because the situation in games where the value of the goods to be auctioned for each player is different. Whether through specialization of playing position or for other reasons. Sufficient here it often is to determine the current value and depending on the situation to pay this price or to try to stay under it. Here each player for himself is busy perfecting his evaluation criteria and to obtain the best price for themselves. Curiously, the quality of such a game for me usually rises with how difficult or unmanageable, the evaluation function is perfect. As long as I can from these games are still learning something new and can be factors and experiences in later games included in my evaluation, I am satisfied.
At the beginning of the round will be awarded in a "one round" auction, the role of the First Consul. Here, each player in turn with both money and face up cards to be senator for the next round for the right to start player. Since money can be kept secret in this game, this uncertainty about the possibilities of the players is available if you have not counted accurately - and who does that for you.
offer then all players in the construction phase, again once around the table to the right to be allowed to take certain buildings from the board in its own window. Here, each player knows the possibilities of the subsequent player (face up character cards) and can begin his bid high.
Shortly thereafter, in the event phase, with colored wooden cubes, which must in every € Game, fought against the emerging problems of the Roman Empire. Who in several rounds around the table (until everyone has used all the dice), most plays dice on the four different events, may reap the corresponding rewards. Again, here at the start of the auction all players the opportunities aware of their competitors.
In the fourth and final auction each round will eventually turn to, this time sealed bid, money, and yet remaining senators to vote in the realization of the construction project provided the round. Here one can still not even on the bids of the other players respond as all the players simultaneously reveal their bid to the fist out.
four auctions in each of the five rounds. Four different mechanisms and a game in which little else happened. " Sylla " suffers in my opinion felt in this jumble of recommendations,
would go as far as I'm not though, I'll certainly give the game another chance, but I think for these further tests, I have to find me another playgroup. After all, as I said, I like auctions, but perhaps is " Sylla " but a little too one-sided in this respect. I certainly have not found the perfect evaluation criteria. Potential is therefore for me as a lover of auction games definitely there.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Heart Beat Faster Than Normallightheaded
slightly: The lack of metaphor
... or "How can this mechanism for involving now back into the game on"?
noticed it is me the days of "Le Havre " by Uwe Rosenberg, published by Lookout Games. The mechanism by which the players perform with a total of 7 moves per round (and thus each of the different players often come to the series) is new to me and interesting. But how "said" man in the history of the game? As the metaphor is for newcomers to make it clear before the first game? Why wander around there on the platelet supply the ships, while the players themselves build other ships?
similar problems I had (as I have ever been in my post " players terminology Erklärbär " was written) with the fact that in " Age of Steam by Martin Wallace (published by Warfrog) players for an ineffective away, so the longest possible route from a start to be rewarded to the destination point. How do you explain that someone who has never worked in the railways?
Do not get me wrong! I think "Le Havre "and" Age of Steam "for quite excellent games! At least at the" Le Havre would "I write the daily also something more detailed. They make me really great fun, but simple is not explain this. If to as Erklärbär the phrase " That's the way! say "must, then there is something not in subject.
... or "How can this mechanism for involving now back into the game on"?
noticed it is me the days of "Le Havre " by Uwe Rosenberg, published by Lookout Games. The mechanism by which the players perform with a total of 7 moves per round (and thus each of the different players often come to the series) is new to me and interesting. But how "said" man in the history of the game? As the metaphor is for newcomers to make it clear before the first game? Why wander around there on the platelet supply the ships, while the players themselves build other ships?
similar problems I had (as I have ever been in my post " players terminology Erklärbär " was written) with the fact that in " Age of Steam by Martin Wallace (published by Warfrog) players for an ineffective away, so the longest possible route from a start to be rewarded to the destination point. How do you explain that someone who has never worked in the railways?
Do not get me wrong! I think "Le Havre "and" Age of Steam "for quite excellent games! At least at the" Le Havre would "I write the daily also something more detailed. They make me really great fun, but simple is not explain this. If to as Erklärbär the phrase " That's the way! say "must, then there is something not in subject.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saga Frontier Ntsc-j Slps-00898
standard details: The second think about
It was a grueling event. Not just for me (I reported below), but certainly also for the countless entertainers, explaining bears and presenters at the booths. I let me explain for the four great days many games, on or played out. Well, after the show, I have at home again the leisure to read me one way or another rule itself, or even to understand the first time. Here are some interesting differences emerged ;-)
herrausheben I especially would like at this point Peter Struijf , who introduced us at the booth of Reiver Games Geode Games and its game " Krakow 1325 AD" (published by Geode Games). In addition to his biography, the historical background of the city, the legislative history of the game and inspiring advice to small details in the graphics (he told us that he deemed himself only this week the first real copies of his game in the hands), have We also get the game explained. I was glad be found on a Saturday evening such an enthusiasm for their own game. It was really fun! I was very glad to be able to make even a few minutes, the feet under Peter's table and me to talk still good.
It was a grueling event. Not just for me (I reported below), but certainly also for the countless entertainers, explaining bears and presenters at the booths. I let me explain for the four great days many games, on or played out. Well, after the show, I have at home again the leisure to read me one way or another rule itself, or even to understand the first time. Here are some interesting differences emerged ;-)
- " Chicago Express" by Harry Wu, published by Queen Games was explained to us by a very friendly and helpful lady at the booth of the publisher. We could even take the large presentation table, which was written for short statements, but mostly not thought to play a complete game, a short time for a round of fitting. The standard explanation was well done (was definitely not her first) and fairly complete, but that one must build societies with no branches was as important to her that she has explicitly mentioned several times. Now read yesterday the rule ... Yikes! Also on the details of the special payment of the line had reached Chicago, they can inform us (I think ;-), then maybe I would not have lost so horribly.
- " Monastery" by Gary thickness and Ragnar Brothers, published by the Ragnar Brothers. If you need to mention that the blessings that have been collected, can also be used for the acquisition of letters and other monks? Maybe. Would have prevented my defeat? ALL determined!
- " A Touch of Evil "by Jason Hill, published by Flying Frog Productions. The explanation of this game is our explainer of Heidelbär team, unfortunately, faced major problems because he was not self-regulating set particularly and the master could also open up only in the telling . It is therefore not surprising that quite a few not insignificant details, such as the dice on the Mystery Chart in the "bad" phase. And we were wondering why the game was so easy and we went straight into the first were able to win game six inexperienced investigators.
- "Lord of the goats " by Günter Burkhardt, published by Amigo. The declaration was complete and very good. I could not find any mistakes, but had the irritating explanatory bear can not point a few times that we should gather a majority in the different varieties? I was so impressed by the cute graphics that I've somehow forgotten ... otherwise I would still determined to win knocked out.
herrausheben I especially would like at this point Peter Struijf , who introduced us at the booth of Reiver Games Geode Games and its game " Krakow 1325 AD" (published by Geode Games). In addition to his biography, the historical background of the city, the legislative history of the game and inspiring advice to small details in the graphics (he told us that he deemed himself only this week the first real copies of his game in the hands), have We also get the game explained. I was glad be found on a Saturday evening such an enthusiasm for their own game. It was really fun! I was very glad to be able to make even a few minutes, the feet under Peter's table and me to talk still good.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Recurring Deposit Quarterly Formula
more impressions of new games to the game 2008
new game, new happiness. After the first impressions of the first two days it went on Saturday and Sunday on through the halls. I feel after it was on Saturday "fair level-technical" even more unbearable to some extent. If we had done it, so shortly before noon to grab a table somewhere for an interesting game publisher and then the bad hours (up to 15.oo Clock) to spend playing was over the worst. I had the feeling that this year again was emptier than the years before. Maybe I'm just become a little thinner and get better through the cracks in the crowds, but I can not imagine actually. At least, not loaded down with bags and bags full of games.
Even if it so this year was not so apparent is necessary, Saturday because of the crowds at the tables my Haupteinkaufstag. I unfold from my pre-orders and buy any things that I previously the two days already could take a look. This has been proven in recent years and most are also all the games that I want to have, in stock ... who needs "Duck Dealer"?
On Sunday I will then finish off the show relish. This year the time change also sweetened with another hour of sleep at night, I stroll quietly through the halls, try out the one or more other game ... ok, not really. Sunday's again really stressful when I see how few have the "must try" games I have not done. Brief panic attacks, from a hall into another dive and occasionally stop by from time to time in Fair Play Scout, I might have anyway something missing. I LOVE the show ;-)
This is why I still give you a few more brief comment:
Conclusion: The year 2008 is drawing to a close. Just two lousy cold months with this funny Christmas at the end. But the Games year with the closing of the fair gates over. It ended well - excellent even. Much better than I could hope yet to Nuremberg in the spring, from where I was really blown away to nothing. Essen 2008 was again a wonderful experience with many exciting new products and a few outstanding games.
There are certainly a lot of games that I have in the short Time nor play at all could only watch. Therefore, it is me not determined in the next few months to get bored. But in our fast-paced games of yesterday are unfortunately almost forgotten already. I almost suspect that most of what I still do not have the shelf, even more land there is. Example, if I eventually have a " The Prince of Maccu Pichu " play or buy? Whether " Planet Steam " still lost to me? And what about "Duck dealer? I do not know yet, but I'm very excited.
However, I am not of the opinion that the fair is too large or the Publishers to throw much new to the market. I can live with it, from time to miss perhaps once a pearl, ensured so long is that I always play what. Real pearls find their way at some point to me. And let's be honest, I buy too much so. But does not my wife.
new game, new happiness. After the first impressions of the first two days it went on Saturday and Sunday on through the halls. I feel after it was on Saturday "fair level-technical" even more unbearable to some extent. If we had done it, so shortly before noon to grab a table somewhere for an interesting game publisher and then the bad hours (up to 15.oo Clock) to spend playing was over the worst. I had the feeling that this year again was emptier than the years before. Maybe I'm just become a little thinner and get better through the cracks in the crowds, but I can not imagine actually. At least, not loaded down with bags and bags full of games.
Even if it so this year was not so apparent is necessary, Saturday because of the crowds at the tables my Haupteinkaufstag. I unfold from my pre-orders and buy any things that I previously the two days already could take a look. This has been proven in recent years and most are also all the games that I want to have, in stock ... who needs "Duck Dealer"?
On Sunday I will then finish off the show relish. This year the time change also sweetened with another hour of sleep at night, I stroll quietly through the halls, try out the one or more other game ... ok, not really. Sunday's again really stressful when I see how few have the "must try" games I have not done. Brief panic attacks, from a hall into another dive and occasionally stop by from time to time in Fair Play Scout, I might have anyway something missing. I LOVE the show ;-)
This is why I still give you a few more brief comment:
- For Winning Moves we played a game of " Hab & Gut " by Carlo A. Rossi
and were absolutely not amused. No one was really convinced, and the majority of the (added 5) players even said that DAS now not really needed.
The mechanism by selecting the cards from the left and right movement is probably quite nice, with not a complete game. Otherwise remain only one variant remains of the old stock exchange game. And that's just too little. - In contrast, I added "... but please with Cream" by Jeffrey D. Allers, also published by Winning Moves, really liked. A nice night cap, so to speak
as dessert for the evening games with a new theme. The "you're sharing - I look out" mechanism is also played with us at the kitchen table again and again and is therefore deeply rooted in my soul players. That "... please with cream " but works with exactly 11 pieces per cake, is really nasty. For any number of players that is a uniform distribution is possible because prime. A pretty predicament with quick and short decisions. have
- At Amigo we are a lot of 'Lord of the goats "played. Here, Günter Burkhardt his
basic idea of " copper boiler & Co." in 2001 (published by Gold Sieber) again used the game beefed up to five players and get a new graphics donated. To me that the game becomes confusing, however. All the different goats look very nice and are (at least in the first game) funny, but always keep track of who has just now where the majority of goats in the detection and which must be immediately checked, have some demands on my now flabby brain. Still a nice game for Between.
- Unfortunately I have not been able to " Byzantium" by Emanuele Ornella (also Amigo) to find a table somewhere. I would like to try out yet, but I think it will in the next few weeks just another blind purchase. So far I have really liked all of it very good (the best so far " Oltremare - Merchants of Venice " published by Mind the Move).
- On Sunday evening we have appeared at home games during the final evening, too, "Snow Tails " by Gordon and Fraser Lamont at Fragor Games put on the table. Although we have only played the first proposed beginners, but the tax the carriage of two dogs and a braking circuit card has very fascinating. I also found it especially funny that I with my superior Formula Dé-knowledge ("inside track because GUUUUHHHT shortest path through the turns!") Have driven completely into the snow drifts. In "Snow Tails " it seems like, my first impression after a lost game, perhaps a little longer, but using right winger in the curves. First, you then have more of a balanced sled and can use bonus movements and second, you have fewer problems, his team again to pull out of the drift. An interesting experience. This game will, according to the semi-disappointing " Antler Iceland " from last year (cute characters but rather weak game) certainly create many off the shelf out.
- The highlight of the second half show to me was quite clearly " Dominion" by Donald X. Vaccarino, published by Hans im Glück. The game was praised before the show, especially from the states for good. Irritated some readers even spoke of "hype". (Hey, a new entry for my players terminology! ... Make a quick little note.)
I am of the opinion that all the positive pre-coverage was initially justified once. The game is really outstanding. Not only because of the nearly 500 cards in the Box, but mainly because of the new mechanisms. to integrate the idea of the most boring and not at all, unfortunately, interactive part of the trading card games, namely the deck structure, in the game play and thus the aspect of player to complement compete with the best deal the cards, you have to come first! Even with the seemingly little interactive basic set of Kingdom cards (which are proposed by the rule of the game for the first game) to come to a tingling tension that makes you want more. Now I'm hooked
, but handicapped by the fact that my wife and first-choice partner on a business trip, even the BSW me rediscovered. Can I still play there a couple of quick games Dominion between. But: The online version comes with the original and limited. Interestingly, I feel very things, which decreases the computer to a line, as that is the tightening, the regular mix of private decks and adding up their own operations and cash cards very supportive atmosphere. When I record my discard pile and begin to mix, then I know I am all of the beautiful new cards, which I have just bought in the previous round, now can draw directly. The tension increases the in any case. With the online version, it seems to me almost a little random. The computer mixes my cards without great to inform me. Here what I am missing somehow. Maybe even just a short reflection between the passages of my deck, what has changed now that await me cards now.
So at least for now I'm playing " Dominion " rather at the table, even if it takes a little longer.
- " Sylla " by Dominique Erhard appeared at Ystari: The game I had in the Deluxe Edition (With the lovely silver metal coins) and pre-order now wait eagerly for the first game. The rules read very well and I expect much of it.
- " After the Flood" by Martin Wallace, published by Treefrog: Already "Tinners' Trail" helped me a lot of fun, so I could play at the new Treefrog Line of Martin's passing by, of course. A game that is playable exclusively on third, this still relatively rare.
- "Le Havre " by Uwe Rosenberg, published by Lookout: that someone has not bought? I think not. The queues outside the Lookout booth while I'm escape (you hear of waiting times around 45 minutes!) and immediately got my desired goodies and games, but I played it, unfortunately, not yet. I have not even been unpacked! Is high time that weekend.
- " Ghost Stories" by Antoine Bauza, published by Repos: Here I was, I admit, overran the graphics and the cooperative character. Generally were cooperative games this year anyway finally the big hit. I just love this kind of voltage to the game. (This also determines what I write.)
- " Krakow 1325 AD" by Peter Struijf, published by Geode: After Peter us the match on Saturday briefly between the door and Angel has said very enthusiastically and personally (unfortunately there was no place to play), I've taken it promptly. Now I know that the author once worked as a manager in Indonesia and his colleagues at that time the game were also good and Peter and his prints have been fatally hit exactly the right time. No information that you need for a purchasing decision, but funny when on the otherwise hectic fair sometimes leaves room for such details.
- ... and a few more. Let's see them for what I am going to write something in the next few weeks.
Conclusion: The year 2008 is drawing to a close. Just two lousy cold months with this funny Christmas at the end. But the Games year with the closing of the fair gates over. It ended well - excellent even. Much better than I could hope yet to Nuremberg in the spring, from where I was really blown away to nothing. Essen 2008 was again a wonderful experience with many exciting new products and a few outstanding games.
There are certainly a lot of games that I have in the short Time nor play at all could only watch. Therefore, it is me not determined in the next few months to get bored. But in our fast-paced games of yesterday are unfortunately almost forgotten already. I almost suspect that most of what I still do not have the shelf, even more land there is. Example, if I eventually have a " The Prince of Maccu Pichu " play or buy? Whether " Planet Steam " still lost to me? And what about "Duck dealer? I do not know yet, but I'm very excited.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Difference Between Kemotherapy And Radiotherapy
First impressions, first disappointments, first surprises
Puh. This was another tiring. Four days of food, four days of games, four days of fun. Unless I'm mistaken my little clever little book, I've played in the past four days, 30 different games. That is read 30 rules or learned and collected 30 first impressions. I had a blast.
But since I did not so selfish am, as some people say now and then again, I would like you to share my impressions of course a bit. I explicitly point out that most of the following thoughts for a maximum of one lot of the game were created. I was unfortunately not enough time to play all four to five times. I'm terribly sorry ;-) But anyway:
Puh. This was another tiring. Four days of food, four days of games, four days of fun. Unless I'm mistaken my little clever little book, I've played in the past four days, 30 different games. That is read 30 rules or learned and collected 30 first impressions. I had a blast.
But since I did not so selfish am, as some people say now and then again, I would like you to share my impressions of course a bit. I explicitly point out that most of the following thoughts for a maximum of one lot of the game were created. I was unfortunately not enough time to play all four to five times. I'm terribly sorry ;-) But anyway:
We have started on Thursday at the stand by Ravensburger and our first, a "Club Diamonds" by Rüdiger Dorn caught. At first glance, a slightly scaled-and family-friendly version of " Goa " (market in the middle, only three development boards, ...) the game has to offer but a few surprises. Like so much to me, for example, the supply mechanism for the market better than some auction variant in other games. The design of the individual gardens / parks with their plot is somewhat simple fall, but the game has made all of us a lot of fun. A good opener.
- In contrast, we have "The Name of the Rose " by Stefan Field (also published by Ravensburger) do not like. "A pimped" Heimlich & Co '"was the almost unanimous opinion. You try to keep the monk's possible suspicion and the other players as long as possible to leave one in doubt who you sponsored. Everything was already there. Even the bonus points at the end of the game if you can guess who was, then, that player's color, was taken over by Wolfgang Kramer game from 1986. Too bad.
- We went to Queen Games. After I had gotten last year, no " Wabash Cannonball " (OK, let's be honest, the eye plays with it. I just wanted any!), I was excited to " Chicago Express " by Harry Wu, the big fall game on Queen.
And I must say the wait was worth it. A functional, yet beautiful game plan than the original actually make eye causes cancer. The mechanisms and rules were not me, fortunately new, but the sample game I still really and fully completed last. I should have remembered that shares only in the end nothing more cash during the game but certainly have their uses. So I did not even once that happens, I have a copy for training taken home.
- The large pavilion in Hall 5 of the British Empire we " Confucius" (which appeared at Surprised Stare Games) by Alan Paull and allude to " Monastery " from the Ragnar Brothers. Although the latter is no longer brand new, but I felt it yet not possible to take a closer look. It was worth it. Those looking for an intricate tile laying game with nice depth and some fantastic ideas, which may not pass on " Monastery. "Confucius " may turn out completely ignore other reasons you.
This game captures simple, from the first minute. The interesting idea to buy vegetables in the favor of his teammates (and the emperor) by gifts that have very skilful combination of these gifts with the vote in the various ministries at the court and the number of available actions myself nor the rest of the day the game to think . Let Just to be safe: This is a very good sign. I actually feel very happy after about games. Unfortunately we did in the exhibition hype just under a third of a game, but that will surely soon be corrected. to get
- In Fantasy Flight Games / Heidelberg in Hall 9, I've done it is neither a "Battlestar Galactica " by Corey Konieczka, still play the thing at all times! Only a few shy glances at the only (?) Available demo version was granted me. We have six of
a lot of 'A Touch of Evil "by Jason Hill,published by Flying Frog Productions played. ... hm ... well, it was not so great. The fact that each round, the distance to move his character with a determined and W6 at Ner diced 1 also draw another Event card must be, should have let me be clear hearing. So we have just under 2 hours (it is just not on when others want to play the game to an end ...) through the pampas and finally defeated the Headless Horseman made another head shorter. Independently of the beautiful game materials, the game unfortunately nothing that makes me look for a lot more standing outside.
- In contrast to ' Space Alert "by Vlaada Chvatil, published by Czech Games Edition. The author of "Through The Ages "(published in 2006 by Czech Board Games) is hereby landed my opinion, renewed a really big game. Cooperative games are a hobby of mine. Each game of this genre should be in my eyes with the top dog" The Lord of the Rings "by Reiner Knizia appeared to attach the cosmos." Space Alert sees "in this comparison, first one pretty well. the one hand it reduces the only real problem that cooperative games of recent years had, namely the risk that a player dominant the game in hand and not doing anything dictated by the time pressure and stress is added as another element. On the other hand, it brings interesting and new mechanisms as the "programming" of a train a la " Robo Rally " field. The first impression is excellent at least once before. In my opinion one of the two exhibition highlights on my list.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My Hemoglobin Was 17.8 High
Another hour ...
So, just before the car rolled down. Same driver will ring the bell for this year at the door and kidnap me for food. Oh yes! First impressions and photos from this evening then. Have fun everybody!
So, just before the car rolled down. Same driver will ring the bell for this year at the door and kidnap me for food. Oh yes! First impressions and photos from this evening then. Have fun everybody!
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