" Modern Art" is a prime example, can be handled as different auctions in board games. In this pure auction game the year 1992, each round one or several paintings of the players (in the role of art critics, collectors and gallery owners) auctioned. Note that there is " Modern Art " three different ways in which an auction can be made:
- once round - Each player, starting at a starting player has exactly one opportunity to make a bid, leaving in following may not increase. Who wants to offer, you must name an amount that is higher than all previously mentioned or fit. The award goes to the player who has made an offer as the last.
This has of course the last player in the round is a serious advantage because he knows all the bids of other players and he himself only has to answer the question whether the object is worth standing up for auction this price - in the fist . - Here all players while providing an amount covered in the fist . At a signal out, all bids will be disclosed and the award goes to those players who was willing to pay the highest bid. Again, no reloading or an increase in the bid is possible.
The advantage here lies with the player, the player can evaluate his best. An auction of this kind is potentially connected to the seller at great risk, for example, if the general assessment of the Value of the property differs greatly from the actual value. Here, however, the potential benefits for the seller is not too bad if at least one player has estimated the value is significantly too high and therefore too much pay. Such miscalculations can be avoided by not revisiting this, in responding to the bids of the other players. - crisscross - perhaps the primary form of auction. All players call each its bid very confused and it is the job of the auctioneer to keep track and finally the contract to provide the player with the highest bid.
This is my opinion, the advantages and disadvantage of the hardest moor, since this estimate depends on many other factors that may be handled differently from playgroup to playgroup. For us it is like so happened that during one such auction information, taunts, "well-intentioned " tips and a little psychology into play. But not every game can be such a group attempts to influence or conversations and so can be a fun "all over" Auction mutate sometimes even to the brooding call of bids.
Another interesting example of the auction mechanisms can be found in the game "fresh catch " by Andreas Pelikan, published by Queen. Here, the tables turned and the price is already very clear at the beginning. Each offer is this game for exactly 10 € on the counter. The role of the auctioneer is in " Fang fresh "as long as additional set additional fish to the offer until someone cuts the player who pressed the bell and all collecting for a fixed price. From the mechanism of her unusual and because of the beautiful and primarily are bell not for small children (or my . nerves)
But one question remains:. Why are games actually used auctions The answer to split the players of the nation into two basic camps one hand, those who see in auctions exciting and balancing game elements, and thereby find ways of an EMS other times a tiny herauszuschinden advantage over other players. Whether through better evaluation of the tender or psychological tricks. On the other hand, writers are often accused of laziness in auctions of only resort. Followers of this group claim that often the fine-tuning the game mechanics from the designer on the particular game group is to be passed. The fact that players make in the auction the evaluation of the options, the author has to make in the run-not so much about the game balance.
I am one who would have thought the first group. For auctions with me are the best in game mechanics of our time. The variety of options always surprises me. Thus, for example the auctions in "Taj Mahal " where not only the last remaining player in the auction gets the goods, but where it simultaneously within an auction is about six different things. Click to fit the right time to get out and cash in, is an art in itself. Or the auction of the order of play and assignment of players to the two power blocs at the beginning of each round of "Struggle of Empires by Martin Wallace, published by Warfrog. Here is the winner of the auction paid for it, two nations (not necessarily his own) in the two, for this round of forming alliances to allocate. A great idea that gives the game a special urgency because you do when you're not prepared the corresponding Price to pay, often enforced peacefully alongside that nation finds that one in this round really wanted to run with his armies.
The art auction in games is the evaluation of the current situation. Depending on the game while the various mechanisms come into play. It sounds trite, but it is important to find out above all, who benefits from the current auction most. In games where the winner of the auction to pay the amount the bank needs to assess which is usually easier than in games where one player acting as auctioneer and the auction can put into his own pocket.
The question "How much money do I offer for a painting in "Modern Art"? answer, "already some analysts and strategists have driven to despair. Should we, in the light of the expected value of the painting at the end of the round, half of this value, two-thirds or maybe even just a little less than the expected value offer? If I get a picture, then I can claim the difference between the purchase price and the finally obtained value as profit. The seller, however, has paid me price as income as it the picture (contrary to the situation in the real world ) usually can not keep simple. He has to play in " Mordern Art " the paintings from his hand and auction it, so that they even have a value.
If buyers and sellers would agree that is always half of what would be, so the profit between the players spread the fairest. But oddly enough the other players play as normally and not have brazenly higher. Forego representing part of their profits to me to gain an edge over. A dilemma, one that causes not only since the advent of eBay's minds ...
seems easier because the situation in games where the value of the goods to be auctioned for each player is different. Whether through specialization of playing position or for other reasons. Sufficient here it often is to determine the current value and depending on the situation to pay this price or to try to stay under it. Here each player for himself is busy perfecting his evaluation criteria and to obtain the best price for themselves. Curiously, the quality of such a game for me usually rises with how difficult or unmanageable, the evaluation function is perfect. As long as I can from these games are still learning something new and can be factors and experiences in later games included in my evaluation, I am satisfied.
At the beginning of the round will be awarded in a "one round" auction, the role of the First Consul. Here, each player in turn with both money and face up cards to be senator for the next round for the right to start player. Since money can be kept secret in this game, this uncertainty about the possibilities of the players is available if you have not counted accurately - and who does that for you.
offer then all players in the construction phase, again once around the table to the right to be allowed to take certain buildings from the board in its own window. Here, each player knows the possibilities of the subsequent player (face up character cards) and can begin his bid high.
Shortly thereafter, in the event phase, with colored wooden cubes, which must in every € Game, fought against the emerging problems of the Roman Empire. Who in several rounds around the table (until everyone has used all the dice), most plays dice on the four different events, may reap the corresponding rewards. Again, here at the start of the auction all players the opportunities aware of their competitors.
In the fourth and final auction each round will eventually turn to, this time sealed bid, money, and yet remaining senators to vote in the realization of the construction project provided the round. Here one can still not even on the bids of the other players respond as all the players simultaneously reveal their bid to the fist out.
four auctions in each of the five rounds. Four different mechanisms and a game in which little else happened. " Sylla " suffers in my opinion felt in this jumble of recommendations,
would go as far as I'm not though, I'll certainly give the game another chance, but I think for these further tests, I have to find me another playgroup. After all, as I said, I like auctions, but perhaps is " Sylla " but a little too one-sided in this respect. I certainly have not found the perfect evaluation criteria. Potential is therefore for me as a lover of auction games definitely there.
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