cee IEH 148 online
Two articles (also) from me about the Connewitzer kiez battle and a play that deals with anti-Semitism.
perhaps have someone read it ...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
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Hear my decision on the need radioohooo
The latest radio broadcast from Iceland, and with it my latest contribution is online. Here follows the description. Listen, please!
Iceland Radio: Radio Show # 40
communism, allez, farewell ... - While some of the emancipatory left on demonstrations continued loudly called communism, others the term has rejected that. is criticism of the concept of communism but from both sides. In a contrived debate And now your Hannah of the Leipzig group in formation (GiG) and Andreas von Theorie.Organisation.Praxis (TOP) from Berlin.
A progressive left calls for communism, because it is to be an association of free individuals. The idea of a free society is probably not a leftist critique, but for the chosen term communism. Left critics of communism on the one hand say that the concept of the story, so the real existing socialism and Stalinism, can be only negative connotations. Marx's approach is also an elitist character immanent and the â € žReich the Freiheitâ € œ utopian enough to not be feasible. This position also represents Hannes by the group in establishing (GiG). He explains why the term communism in his opinion is not worth more, but still you should definitely think next emancipatory.
Andreas von Theorie.Organisation.Praxis (TOP) explained, however, why his group will continue, for example, under the slogan â € žJust Communismâ € œ on the road goes and communism should be the supreme goal of the left.
Whoever wants to continue with the topic, which also includes the series of events in Leipzig, the gig is recommended. There, the speakers set the theme â € œThe disappointment. 90 years and the failure of the October Revolution Kommunismusâ € œ critical deal with the issue. To critique of the existing it is reflected also in December, when â € žUms-whole-Kongressâ € œ in Frankfurt am Main. Details of the events can be found even among www.gig-leipzig.com, and, second, www.top-berlin.net.
All years again lead the local residents of German cities their defensive battles against the restructuring or redevelopment of their neighborhoods. It is often perceived as alien to the arrival of facilities such as hotels, from American fast food chains or luxury housing can be prevented. This time it has caught Connewitz here fear the autochthonous a "Verdiscounterisierung" their Kiez by building more supermarkets.
What will be built where and why? Who is against it and why? What arguments are brought against the supermarkets? And these are actually stored? And what that means for a ruthless critique of capital and state? These and other questions will be clarified in the article. As special treats we have some strange sound bites of several protest events in the luggage ... have fun with it!
The latest radio broadcast from Iceland, and with it my latest contribution is online. Here follows the description. Listen, please!
Iceland Radio: Radio Show # 40
communism, allez, farewell ... - While some of the emancipatory left on demonstrations continued loudly called communism, others the term has rejected that. is criticism of the concept of communism but from both sides. In a contrived debate And now your Hannah of the Leipzig group in formation (GiG) and Andreas von Theorie.Organisation.Praxis (TOP) from Berlin.
A progressive left calls for communism, because it is to be an association of free individuals. The idea of a free society is probably not a leftist critique, but for the chosen term communism. Left critics of communism on the one hand say that the concept of the story, so the real existing socialism and Stalinism, can be only negative connotations. Marx's approach is also an elitist character immanent and the â € žReich the Freiheitâ € œ utopian enough to not be feasible. This position also represents Hannes by the group in establishing (GiG). He explains why the term communism in his opinion is not worth more, but still you should definitely think next emancipatory.
Andreas von Theorie.Organisation.Praxis (TOP) explained, however, why his group will continue, for example, under the slogan â € žJust Communismâ € œ on the road goes and communism should be the supreme goal of the left.
Whoever wants to continue with the topic, which also includes the series of events in Leipzig, the gig is recommended. There, the speakers set the theme â € œThe disappointment. 90 years and the failure of the October Revolution Kommunismusâ € œ critical deal with the issue. To critique of the existing it is reflected also in December, when â € žUms-whole-Kongressâ € œ in Frankfurt am Main. Details of the events can be found even among www.gig-leipzig.com, and, second, www.top-berlin.net.
All years again lead the local residents of German cities their defensive battles against the restructuring or redevelopment of their neighborhoods. It is often perceived as alien to the arrival of facilities such as hotels, from American fast food chains or luxury housing can be prevented. This time it has caught Connewitz here fear the autochthonous a "Verdiscounterisierung" their Kiez by building more supermarkets.
What will be built where and why? Who is against it and why? What arguments are brought against the supermarkets? And these are actually stored? And what that means for a ruthless critique of capital and state? These and other questions will be clarified in the article. As special treats we have some strange sound bites of several protest events in the luggage ... have fun with it!
Friday, October 5, 2007
How Much To Charge On Create An Invitation
Advent, Advent, a light is burning
Less than two weeks! Then the show finally opens its doors for thousands of games enthusiasts from home and abroad. Food is the hub of the world and I am for a week completely out of reach for anything that is not directly related to games. A great time. I'm looking forward. Therefore, the weeks just before the fair, every year as from 1 October mean Advent (from Latin: Adventus, arrivals).
the good intent of last year , this time a little "worse" prepared to plunge into the halls I will be able to meet a limited extent. Especially in recent days appear almost hourly to new rules of the game downloads that I at least look at short times, usually read and then click the "must see" list set.
But I should start again. What is my personal preparations for the fair? The most important holiday, especially take . In the last 20 (?) Years, there was no reason for me not any of the four days to be in food. Since I have been a few years pursuing an so-called regular job and no longer have long-term student, the result is the need for early allows for the week to sign the Games Fair holidays. Luckily I have my colleagues now have become educated enough that no raised eyebrows happen more when I tell that I want to spend a week of my life with board games in the crowded halls and stuffy air ... they do not understand, tolerate this little character flaw, however.
The second important issue is the logistics of the four days. Since I perform every year with a small crowd of people, of course, includes a hearty games this evening after the closing of the gates. That is to be prepared. For game is fortunately provided sufficient, but need food, drinks and additional facilities to be prepared. This little concept is created, to which the four days will be eaten by whom, and what preparations must be made to do so. I myself (okay, I admit it, my dear lovely fiancee) cook at two of the four days, and of course, only courts be eligible, you can prepare the evening and then have to make only warm. Pasta with red sauce, the classic is, every year. Stews, soups, we had it all. Cooked in the three days before the show, possibly frozen and fast in the morning before leaving the house to thaw in the refrigerator. The culinary logistics, we have under control. Last
( Last ? Ha!) But is of course the preparation for the Games themselves given it has been proven in recent years, the new list of Spielbox to hand (in Bookmarks) to have. In this year because of the game box KMW reduce his work heavily on this list had to further interesting previews appeared. Among other things, cliquenabend.de find the list detailed information, pictures and first impressions of many new products.
But there is again my problem with too much information. Last year I experienced for the first time that you well can be prepared (I reported). I was with such a great wealth of knowledge (and prejudices) came to dinner that I realized afterwards that I'm not the really good games. Of those I knew anyway that I would buy it. This has tarnished my impression of the last Spielertage actually a little bit. That is why I am following this year's concept of "Less is More!"
This year I've been consciously decided against a detailed study of all new products. I chose consciously, games preorder only a very limited extent. Well, one way or another rule, I always print out more and read it at night before going to sleep, the Erklärbär wants to be fed, but not nearly in the wealth as last year. I hope that this approach is a more relaxed and exciting exhibition. I will of course report here if it was successful.
Nevertheless, a few games now generate a big stain on my news radar:
Less than two weeks! Then the show finally opens its doors for thousands of games enthusiasts from home and abroad. Food is the hub of the world and I am for a week completely out of reach for anything that is not directly related to games. A great time. I'm looking forward. Therefore, the weeks just before the fair, every year as from 1 October mean Advent (from Latin: Adventus, arrivals).
the good intent of last year , this time a little "worse" prepared to plunge into the halls I will be able to meet a limited extent. Especially in recent days appear almost hourly to new rules of the game downloads that I at least look at short times, usually read and then click the "must see" list set.
But I should start again. What is my personal preparations for the fair? The most important holiday, especially take . In the last 20 (?) Years, there was no reason for me not any of the four days to be in food. Since I have been a few years pursuing an so-called regular job and no longer have long-term student, the result is the need for early allows for the week to sign the Games Fair holidays. Luckily I have my colleagues now have become educated enough that no raised eyebrows happen more when I tell that I want to spend a week of my life with board games in the crowded halls and stuffy air ... they do not understand, tolerate this little character flaw, however.
The second important issue is the logistics of the four days. Since I perform every year with a small crowd of people, of course, includes a hearty games this evening after the closing of the gates. That is to be prepared. For game is fortunately provided sufficient, but need food, drinks and additional facilities to be prepared. This little concept is created, to which the four days will be eaten by whom, and what preparations must be made to do so. I myself (okay, I admit it, my dear lovely fiancee) cook at two of the four days, and of course, only courts be eligible, you can prepare the evening and then have to make only warm. Pasta with red sauce, the classic is, every year. Stews, soups, we had it all. Cooked in the three days before the show, possibly frozen and fast in the morning before leaving the house to thaw in the refrigerator. The culinary logistics, we have under control. Last
( Last ? Ha!) But is of course the preparation for the Games themselves given it has been proven in recent years, the new list of Spielbox to hand (in Bookmarks) to have. In this year because of the game box KMW reduce his work heavily on this list had to further interesting previews appeared. Among other things, cliquenabend.de find the list detailed information, pictures and first impressions of many new products.
But there is again my problem with too much information. Last year I experienced for the first time that you well can be prepared (I reported). I was with such a great wealth of knowledge (and prejudices) came to dinner that I realized afterwards that I'm not the really good games. Of those I knew anyway that I would buy it. This has tarnished my impression of the last Spielertage actually a little bit. That is why I am following this year's concept of "Less is More!"
This year I've been consciously decided against a detailed study of all new products. I chose consciously, games preorder only a very limited extent. Well, one way or another rule, I always print out more and read it at night before going to sleep, the Erklärbär wants to be fed, but not nearly in the wealth as last year. I hope that this approach is a more relaxed and exciting exhibition. I will of course report here if it was successful.
Nevertheless, a few games now generate a big stain on my news radar:
- " Galaxy Trucker " by Vlaada Chvatil will appear in Czech Games Edition . Last year I was completely Vlaada (by first difficulty) to convince his " Through the Ages", this year I hope for its novelty of an entirely different, but very funny feeling. Race with piecemeal spaceships, satirical (and very well written) rules, a little real time, a little strategy, it sounds like fun.
- " Amyitis " by Cyril Demaegd, Ystari Games . On the last show you could (on demand) on Stand by Ystari Games already admire the future cover, this year we can finally play it then. The manigfaltigen opportunities that promise the rules let me hope at a strategically challenging, full-length play. (Amyitis "... how do you pronounce that I should write here, fortunately only ...?)
- " Perry Rhodan: The cosmic Hanse "is by Henry Glumpler at Cosmos in the" 2 players "series appear. About this game I know almost nothing. But "Perry Rhodan"? The hero of my childhood, born again in a game of Heinrich Glumpler? any time, without batting an eyelid. Moreover, one can not help a German publisher, of a science fiction game on the market which support. The two giants here of the German publishing industry have found (Perry Rhodan is known to be the largest space series in the world), I find great. I hope that the cosmos may be welcomed by a lot of new players.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
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black whole sun will not you come
A difficult task, with the etymology confront the Nazi symbolism to analyze the sources and history to trace, since it dates back far from their origin (The Germanic / Nordic mythology) went through dozens of arbitrary interpretations and transformations, and learned from the mere ignorance of their true origin in the Third Reich various delusional interpretations and new appointments. This challenge has, Rüdiger Sünner in his documentary, "Black Sun" is set. He succeeds only partially, to overcome them.
It is characterized by impressive on what 'traditional theory', the esoteric spinning of Hitler, Himmler, Hess & Co based and covered quite plausible that they were not irrelevant to their motives and actions. The chronology extends from Helena P. Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, of Guido von List up to Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the founder of the Thule Society, whose members had also Hess and Hitler was not the guest rare. Managed is also the display and emphasis on the centrality of the mystical reference in the 'everyday' of the Third Reich, by the architecture and settled 'happenings', such as the formation of a giant light-Monuments of headlights, the more than 140,000 people attended, or the formation of giant human swastikas, torchlight etc. The proven popularity of such archaic 'happenings' fits so not here to present the history, the Germans Dernach victims of a maniacal leader elite had been, or at least all have only themselves to endure. Unfortunately, this statement is only implicit, hidden in the pictures.
Sünner stresses although again the "uncritical" and "wilkürliche" exploration of the Teutonic mythology by the Nazis, which did not allow falsification - where no knowledge could be won, it was invented simply - but this is probably just to turn the argument that exempt from the 'defiling' by the Nazis to. He does this by never tires to use phrases such as 'excessive use', 'abused' or 'exaggerated'. Under complex and dangerous ideas, such as that the poor German people by Hitler through this so effectively powerful symbolism by surprise and thus virtually seduced to NS was, or that the flawless in itself racist theories Helena of the P. Blavatsky 'abuses' were, his claim disqualify purely 'scientific' study of the subject.
In his account of the history of seemingly harmless Teutonic rites to NS 'instrumentalization' ignores it completely, as these archaic cultures / rites have fascist tendencies are enrolled in the core and is therefore also very consistent not the question of why these edifice as a blueprint for the Nazi ideology worked so well. He merely stated that people like Hitler and Himmler were interested much - why was that he concealed his care or by affirmation. The author tried again and again, the sameness of it well anthropological constant of the metaphysical need, which for him probably quite naturally lead to find the 'original' (Germanic) culture must be washed clean by the Nazi use. If you follow the allusions Sünner, it was probably a completely natural desire to follow the populist zusammenzurotten and archaic rituals that rule out completely the individual and all external and modernity as 'cool', 'decadent', etc. represents - it's just not allowed to 'exaggerate', for example, by murder of millions. This crude logic culminates in the conclusion of the film by a resume, which mutatis mutandis said if we do not moderate relative to its own cultural development, would be collected by foreign cultures - accompanied this was visually sophisticated scenes, such zBdie a movie theater, which, as foreign 'culture temple' was called. More resentment does not go ...

It is characterized by impressive on what 'traditional theory', the esoteric spinning of Hitler, Himmler, Hess & Co based and covered quite plausible that they were not irrelevant to their motives and actions. The chronology extends from Helena P. Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, of Guido von List up to Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the founder of the Thule Society, whose members had also Hess and Hitler was not the guest rare. Managed is also the display and emphasis on the centrality of the mystical reference in the 'everyday' of the Third Reich, by the architecture and settled 'happenings', such as the formation of a giant light-Monuments of headlights, the more than 140,000 people attended, or the formation of giant human swastikas, torchlight etc. The proven popularity of such archaic 'happenings' fits so not here to present the history, the Germans Dernach victims of a maniacal leader elite had been, or at least all have only themselves to endure. Unfortunately, this statement is only implicit, hidden in the pictures.
Sünner stresses although again the "uncritical" and "wilkürliche" exploration of the Teutonic mythology by the Nazis, which did not allow falsification - where no knowledge could be won, it was invented simply - but this is probably just to turn the argument that exempt from the 'defiling' by the Nazis to. He does this by never tires to use phrases such as 'excessive use', 'abused' or 'exaggerated'. Under complex and dangerous ideas, such as that the poor German people by Hitler through this so effectively powerful symbolism by surprise and thus virtually seduced to NS was, or that the flawless in itself racist theories Helena of the P. Blavatsky 'abuses' were, his claim disqualify purely 'scientific' study of the subject.

In his account of the history of seemingly harmless Teutonic rites to NS 'instrumentalization' ignores it completely, as these archaic cultures / rites have fascist tendencies are enrolled in the core and is therefore also very consistent not the question of why these edifice as a blueprint for the Nazi ideology worked so well. He merely stated that people like Hitler and Himmler were interested much - why was that he concealed his care or by affirmation. The author tried again and again, the sameness of it well anthropological constant of the metaphysical need, which for him probably quite naturally lead to find the 'original' (Germanic) culture must be washed clean by the Nazi use. If you follow the allusions Sünner, it was probably a completely natural desire to follow the populist zusammenzurotten and archaic rituals that rule out completely the individual and all external and modernity as 'cool', 'decadent', etc. represents - it's just not allowed to 'exaggerate', for example, by murder of millions. This crude logic culminates in the conclusion of the film by a resume, which mutatis mutandis said if we do not moderate relative to its own cultural development, would be collected by foreign cultures - accompanied this was visually sophisticated scenes, such zBdie a movie theater, which, as foreign 'culture temple' was called. More resentment does not go ...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
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dark otra vez Germany
of indymedia :

of indymedia :
Meiningen (Südthür.): Nazis torturing organic farmers
anti-fascist group Südthüringen [AGST]
encounters in southern Thuringia Nazi terror in a mixture of tolerance and ignorance. Resistance to it occurs only occasionally and if need be criminalized by the authorities. In milker, a 900-strong community about 10 miles north of Meiningen five neo-Nazis harassed an organic farmer, he inflicted serious injuries, abused him anti-Semitic, even spat at him and killed one of his ducks. Press and the police are silent.
The house of the farmer is located in the city. He tells of his yard with LPG-stall outside the village. (...)
The couple participated in the past, often in anti-Nazi demonstrations, is well informed on current developments and seek to engage anti-fascist. It was a few years ago, told the farmer, as he Kleinschmalkalden times in a supermarket in a pile of "national newspapers", the party newspaper of the far-right DVU, discovered. He put to task manager and vendor, bought all the newspapers and made it harmless. That did not like, he says. The son of the manager, would later be one of the perpetrators. On 20
April, the birthday of Adolf Hitler and Nazi for each province, a high holiday, the farmer is always a "Stop Nazis' flag out the window, he ordered once a Nix-Gut-Free.
For neo-conservative right and the clientele in the place of animal love organic farmer with his alternative lifestyle, anti-fascist commitment and dedication to environmental protection is a thorn in the side.
On Saturday, the 19th August, the resentment and hostility into brutal violence, carried out by young neo-Nazis who had been drinking overnight courage.
What happened?
clock started around 6 am the farmer, as usual feed on his farm to the animals. It expected 5 young men who had known him as neo-Nazis. All came from the village and the neighboring village and bawled "Heil Hitler". They called the farmers "You left rat, now we'll get you!" contrary. The victim locked in shock, his car and tried to talk to the neo-Nazis and bring them to leave. The offender jumped on his car, tried to set fire to the rear window smashed to overturn it. In vain. Then came the neo-Nazis brutally on a duck until she lay lifeless. They threatened to kill other animals, if he did not get off. The farmer got out and tried - still in shock - to flee. The neo-Nazis pursued him, brought him down and finally kicked him with kicks and punches.
When the farmer is forced to kneel, they straightened it spat him and threatened him with a wooden lath, assailed him as "dirty stinking Jewish pig ". He was to repeat after them: "Adolf Hitler is the greatest" and "I am a stinking Jewish pig".
An assailant finally said. "It does not make sense to make it cold" with a board they struck the farmer on his head and added him to severe head injuries. A neo-Nazi filmed the atrocity with his cell phone camera and animated the bat to escape.
The farmer dragging himself covered in blood to his car. He is a hemophiliac, took his medication and went to his house. There he called the police. The perpetrators could be taken shortly. During an interview one of the officers told the victim that he should not be so upset he was still not a Jew. Today the office is investigating the five young Nazis for grievous bodily harm. (...)
break the silence!
In the days and weeks later, went in the silence. The police made no effort to a press release on the incident. The press was silent until today. Once considered one of the farmers "the thing not to hang from the rooftops." Referring to the events in Mügeln be it for the community defamatory, trade and tourism.
Saturday night (09/29/2007) got a call the farmer: "In 5 days you're dead" He fears for his wife and his animals sleeping, give up bad, he wants not. He took a lawyer in spite of limited financial resources. He wants to move against the Nazis and now make the violence that they did to him and his animals to the public.
The anti-fascist group Südthüringen (AGST) solidarity with the victims and calls the incident not to mention more dead. Be in solidarity published, the Nazi terror in your publications, talk about it and help to break the silence!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
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is arrogant powers ...
of anti-imperialism comes to. or: Pack.
source: http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/09/28/america/iran.php

of anti-imperialism comes to. or: Pack.
CARACAS: On a trip to Strengthen ties with leftists in Latin America and roll back U.S. influence, the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has pledged to invest $1 billion in Bolivia and reaffirmed relations with the Venezuelan president with a declaration that "no one can defeat us."
Ahmadinejad announced the pledge Thursday in La Paz, then traveled to Venezuela. (...) Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia, who along with Chávez is one of Iran's major allies, called Ahmadinejad's visit historic as La Paz and Tehran established diplomatic relations for the first time.
Morales pledged that they "will work together from this day on, for our people, for life and for humanity."
Later on Thursday in Venezuela, Ahmadinejad and Chávez greeted each other warmly on a red carpet in front of the presidential palace.
"Together we are surely growing stronger," Ahmadinejad said through an interpreter, "and in truth no one can defeat us. Imperialism has no other option: Respect the peoples or accept defeat."
Chávez embraced the Iranian president, calling him "one of the greatest anti-imperialist fighters" and "one of the great fighters for true peace."
In his defiant speech to the UN General Assembly this week, Ahmadinejad rebuked "arrogant powers" seeking to restrict the Iranian nuclear program. Chávez also strongly defends Iran's nuclear research, insisting that it is for peaceful energy use despite U.S. suspicions that it is aimed at making nuclear weapons.
(...)Ahmadinejad's trip underscored his growing ties to Latin American nations, including Nicaragua and Ecuador, even as the United States tries to isolate him internationally. (...)
source: http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/09/28/america/iran.php
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Brown Spotting And Infection
In the air there is one not closely
I have just discovered that one of several poems by Paul Celan this site by himself can not hear spoken. In the biography is annoyingly only that he has read in the group 47, not that he was there laughed and hinausgeekelt.
I have just discovered that one of several poems by Paul Celan this site by himself can not hear spoken. In the biography is annoyingly only that he has read in the group 47, not that he was there laughed and hinausgeekelt.
World Number Face Cream
air concrete
so I know me at all the air out, but also wants something on the topic if beitragen.auch it is only a hint.
concrete in the new, which again excludes a total of one rather boring, it is also a rich discussion of the topic. the literary supplement is devoted to climate change, but I've still gives no real overview.
Seeßlen reports of his "admitted sometimes enervating passage through books and erdrettern of futurists.
there issue also includes articles talking about the "moralization of the markets", the "brown roots of green associations" stupid, animal rights activists, New Age & air and slating of the various "climate-etiquette" guide (the title of a book) .
unfortunately may also Fülberth swagger back of locusts.
unfortunately it is also the umpteenth article on prison conditions in coming home.
Gremliza packed in his column once again the good old certainties ml of:
, maybe you can even run the Jews still stuffed into this off, which ultimately also the treachery and cold-rational calculation of the ruling classes of Germany and the United States were victims. Gremliza can write well, but neither of criticism of political economy have done it by fetish-and ideologiekritk an idea, at least he hid it again and again.
very annoying this

so I know me at all the air out, but also wants something on the topic if beitragen.auch it is only a hint.
concrete in the new, which again excludes a total of one rather boring, it is also a rich discussion of the topic. the literary supplement is devoted to climate change, but I've still gives no real overview.
Seeßlen reports of his "admitted sometimes enervating passage through books and erdrettern of futurists.
there issue also includes articles talking about the "moralization of the markets", the "brown roots of green associations" stupid, animal rights activists, New Age & air and slating of the various "climate-etiquette" guide (the title of a book) .
unfortunately may also Fülberth swagger back of locusts.
unfortunately it is also the umpteenth article on prison conditions in coming home.
Gremliza packed in his column once again the good old certainties ml of:
and would be the sum of the people who are tortured, strangled, stabbed, beaten to death, had to be shot poisoned, and burned its capital until the troubadours victory could be sing freedom, Vietnamese, other than the 2 million, of whom the deducted charges under was likely to not even twenty million Soviet citizens, whose assassination by the German class brothers in the West as long as they do not own the they learned war, with exquisite patience have been watching?
, maybe you can even run the Jews still stuffed into this off, which ultimately also the treachery and cold-rational calculation of the ruling classes of Germany and the United States were victims. Gremliza can write well, but neither of criticism of political economy have done it by fetish-and ideologiekritk an idea, at least he hid it again and again.
very annoying this
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Yesterday I could finally turn the heat to happiness, for it was now cool enough for that. The last warm days that I have enjoyed reading in the park solved, namely, in one form or another by second a thought to climate change caused chills out. In a commentary in CEE IEH # 141 I have made known our views with a friend. This, though but a harmless opinion, we were cut in the next issue of a climate-knowledge virtuosos in a response article around the ears.
The author accuses the fact that we had to kindly add the information there might and sometimes our parents (or the mainstream) should be right where they are right - even if it may be German parents what we as' Anti-Germans' yes Behage not per se. It would have been sufficient to note that we do not practice ourselves in counter-identification, but only Search the produce, which we oppose on other issues (and from an epistemological point of view) vehemently equidistance. Coupled with a few quotes from our articles to prove it would have, that's enough well. eg:
must admit, however, that almost three quarters ...
These three quarters atomize but again in different weighted answers. Count it, the answer is "Man and nature are in equally responsible" to holding still have more than a quarter of the scientists (27%) see fit.
and then writes the bourgeois press from even us. Because of this:
Yesterday I could finally turn the heat to happiness, for it was now cool enough for that. The last warm days that I have enjoyed reading in the park solved, namely, in one form or another by second a thought to climate change caused chills out. In a commentary in CEE IEH # 141 I have made known our views with a friend. This, though but a harmless opinion, we were cut in the next issue of a climate-knowledge virtuosos in a response article around the ears.
The author accuses the fact that we had to kindly add the information there might and sometimes our parents (or the mainstream) should be right where they are right - even if it may be German parents what we as' Anti-Germans' yes Behage not per se. It would have been sufficient to note that we do not practice ourselves in counter-identification, but only Search the produce, which we oppose on other issues (and from an epistemological point of view) vehemently equidistance. Coupled with a few quotes from our articles to prove it would have, that's enough well. eg:
"There are quite plausible theories that describe the man as main cause engine for global warming (CO2) emissions and equally plausible that the cause rather far outside its field of effectiveness locate (cosmic radiation) against the latter one is. relatively powerless, however, the former provide a framework and an inventory of interventions, which welcomed in principle, if he had not fed so ideologically and diabolical . Enemy provoke would "Since we were confident the reader, this also herauszulesen itself, it was not necessary a replica of a long introduction, a short point. Actually, I wanted to not let down in the lowlands naively empirical surveys, but the contour interval to the CEE IEH expert would not be valid because the scientific evidence is too clear to be able to hide behind neutrality, was probably still a smart move. In a articles in the WORLD I was now on a survey of 'climate experts 'Read that produced anything but consensus
"By this, it was warmer, there is no significant doubt. About the causes and consequences of this development, the views of climate scientists, however, also go to pieces like on the basis of current research. The majority of climate scientists (57 percent) believe that the "consequences of climate change on people in the 21st century dangerous". A significant minority disagrees with this thesis, however not because they see negative and positive consequences, because they generally deny the danger, or because it is of the opinion that one can not make any definite statements. One cause of this remarkable finding is the judgments of climate scientists on the theoretical and methodological foundations of climate forecasts. The views of the Climate researchers in this are sobering. The majority of scientists believe the conditions for the predictability of the climate had not existed at present. This affects the quantity and quality of empirical data, the quality of the models and theories as well as the capacity of the available analytical techniques.Only a minority of ten to 20 percent of climate researchers believe that the empirical and theoretical conditions for the calculation of the climate today are already given. This may have changed in recent months, not much. "
must admit, however, that almost three quarters ...
"... The climate scientists (73 percent) [...] a person as a more or less significant cause of climate change [see]."
These three quarters atomize but again in different weighted answers. Count it, the answer is "Man and nature are in equally responsible" to holding still have more than a quarter of the scientists (27%) see fit.
and then writes the bourgeois press from even us. Because of this:
"The judgments of climate scientists about the predictability of the climate point to the general problem of a scientific discussion that the . Exceeds limits of the scientific community and the basis of public opinion and public policy development is "... probablyis clearly copied here:
" The climate debate is a political and not scientific. The political dimension is at many points of criticism, excessive, annoying. But the core of the problem - climate change - can not have a social discourse and solve specific conversations about this, but only by expertise, or feature could not show intelligent social critics "
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Duo Fem Contraception
antifa, please take over!
briefly released a shocking excerpt from an article by Ivo Bozic, the current focus in the jungle world of Islam across the front / left is.
it is easy uunfassbar, I really do not know is how to deal on a semantic level with the problem, words such as emancipatory, left, etc. nurmehr entirely of their deprived conceptual nuclear envelope, they are all completely unnecessary if such positions subsumed under can be. the practical consequences to be drawn from it are on the other hand, hand. it prohibits all collaboration, this anti-Semitic propaganda is to be combated by nature and must Nazi. the pictures are not the way of the AIK from Vienna but from the Association of German socialists fight ...


briefly released a shocking excerpt from an article by Ivo Bozic, the current focus in the jungle world of Islam across the front / left is.
it is easy uunfassbar, I really do not know is how to deal on a semantic level with the problem, words such as emancipatory, left, etc. nurmehr entirely of their deprived conceptual nuclear envelope, they are all completely unnecessary if such positions subsumed under can be. the practical consequences to be drawn from it are on the other hand, hand. it prohibits all collaboration, this anti-Semitic propaganda is to be combated by nature and must Nazi. the pictures are not the way of the AIK from Vienna but from the Association of German socialists fight ...
One in Jeplkes employees also none other than the young world-author Nicholas Braun, who has just published a book that probably the most evil, hear what link, if you want to use that word here at all capable of producing. In the anthology "Near and Middle East - war, occupation, resistance," Braun gathered pretty much all the authors that one can safely attribute to the next cross-jihadist front, some of them are even terrorist groups or openly support them.
critic Jürgen Elsässer of the book in the young world cheered as the "indispensable reference work," the statement aptly summed up this way: "With Hezbollah and Hamas against the Empire." The two anti-Semitic terror organizations are so Alsace, the "groups that" now bear the brunt of the fight against the new colonialism. Among the authors of the book can be found, for example, Ali Fayyad of Hizbullah, an Iraqi ayatollah, his contribution is "Allah signed big," the two former Stasi spies Klaus von Raussendorff and Rainer Rupp, and the head of the Anti-imperialist Coordination (AIK ), Willi Langthaler, as well as the author Joachim Guilliard as a fundraiser for IPA is the terror group (52/2003) have appeared. With an anti-Semitic conspiracy piece in the book also represented the Secretary General of the IPA, Jabbar al-Kubaysi, who in a young world-interview in August confirmed the partial cooperation of the Iraqi "resistance" with al-Qaida.
Willi Langthaler calls in his article explicitly the cross-front of the left with political Islam, (was "the the" opposite of a "reactionary-conservative movement) with Hezbollah and Hamas, and describes what is left and Islam in addition to anti-Zionist and anti-American foundations associate: "There can be numerous examples where Islamism is not only an anti-imperialist, but also socially progressive role, as with the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. "The left-Qassam Brigade is in position.
Braun's own calls, in his foreword, "the Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, then, an" alliance of Islamic religious resistance against imperialism and Zionism with the secular left. (...)
that some members of the parliamentary party "The Left" no fear of contact with Islamic terrorists, was also almost a year ago, when the group invite a spokesman for the Hamas to its "Middle East Conference" wanted. The MP Norman Peach said regularly that one must connect with Hamas in the dialogue. Did you read the one published by Brown's book, one also knows what it is to talk about. Oskar Lafontaine's plans if it is not so far that have been made with Iran in all this trip is just the tip of the iceberg.
Proraso Shaving Cream What Stores Sell
Moadon hakvarot cooperation
I can see me yesterday to the wonderful documentary "The Cemetery Club". A very successful evening amusement, except for an unconscious Palestinian scarf-wearer in the front row, with whom I worked for a while in thought, because I did not want to admit it, being able to enjoy the film.
Every Saturday morning, meet in Jerusalem, a group of older people to the Mount Herzl, who is also Israel's national cemetery and park to hold its meetings Mount Herzl Academy . They debate, read their own poems and famous, singing, and top it off with a meal at the end. This club even has its own statute, which identifies as the first item and purpose, together to discuss the Altersvereinsamung counter. The second article states that meetings take place with changing membership continues. These two meet in the reading of the statute to be contested and it is to out the words "to counteract the Altersvereinsamung "and the entire second calls. - It is clear to put that behind this demand, the shame, and a necessary denial of reality, the full tragedy that lies in this Constitution and its first two chapters, with the progress of the film, the period . and shooting lasted for five years, more evident towards the end once a revised version of the statute is read, which again included in the lifting of certain passages -. and in memory of the just seen now appear as unverzichbar
The Most reviewers write inside of it, as they had taken it, the protagonists as Holocaust survivors observed in the wild to be allowed - and they represent the intention of the director to the head. The film documents well the apparent indifference of people in old age - their regression to childish behavior, their seemingly neurotic quirks, strange-acting bleating, and everything that says what we know about older people. When the protagonists of their experiences in third Reich report, they do so without much emotion (except for a shot of one of the survivors for the first time returning to her village in Poland). In one scene, argues in the Kantian imperative and whether this claim despite Hitler and Nazi Germany remains valid could be very clear that this discussion would take place anywhere. As one of the protagonists, Lena, her niece (the director) talks about her deportation from the Warsaw ghetto to Auschwitz, you realize it the rational incomprehensibility of these experiences that are not emotional. There are no tears in your eyes to see. Your voice is all the time about everything but trembling, even very decisive. She seems to pontificate. The emotional implications, trauma, all 'that provide what many reviewers in the heart of their approach is not going to - it's buried deep in the protagonists. One can hardly imagine. You can worry about how such a thing possible, the presentation and the ever-present background force one of these thoughts even, but there is not using one of the film at hand.
Forum Kate Playground Uncensored
is ceeieh # 147 online
revolutionsspeacials this time with a whole bunch!
the ceeieh celebrates 90 years oktoberrevo with lots of cruel as well as a thorough critique klitzebisschen nostalgia.
there texte example of avant-garde art, SI vs. ML, the (un-) to laugh nanoPEG Stalin, and a slating from savlinksruckhamas.
check it out!
revolutionsspeacials this time with a whole bunch!
the ceeieh celebrates 90 years oktoberrevo with lots of cruel as well as a thorough critique klitzebisschen nostalgia.
there texte example of avant-garde art, SI vs. ML, the (un-) to laugh nanoPEG Stalin, and a slating from savlinksruckhamas.
check it out!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Programe For Make Anime
caricature of resistance
After my review of Peter Weiss' "aesthetics of resistance" on the occasion of his 25th Anniversary of the death in CEE IEH at the laziness of the reviewer failed, I have now decided to re-launch and will probably always wanted to set theses of the book to make some preliminary ideas for discussion:
The narrator repeatedly reflected on the difficulty of a resistor to him in understanding the totality of circumstances is justified - which has the aftertaste, unwanted apologetics of the impossibility of resistance in the 3rd operate kingdom. Practice (who want to understand the protagonist as a communist) is always associated with the reductionism that can not grasp the whole, respectively. a sense of imprisonment in the wrong sense to have. (P. 113f .*). This false Consciousness constitutes itself twice: first from the difficulty, if not impossible, to take out of their social class that can do what they theoretically led to resistance "work off" (p. 107 *). Second, from the perspective of the inherent 3.Reich, which allowed real, critical knowledge at all, but only in an idea of the "feeling that what [they] were doing the right thing" (p. 116 *) must remain under arrest. The tension between theory and practice, the protagonists too often stagnant. The "filter" which they think about their "senses" (p. 113 *), they can still recognize its existence, However, depending on your view beat, or apparently do not appear. And it is those "filters" this constituted double, false consciousness.
* The page numbers refer to the paperback edition of all three volumes from 2005
After my review of Peter Weiss' "aesthetics of resistance" on the occasion of his 25th Anniversary of the death in CEE IEH at the laziness of the reviewer failed, I have now decided to re-launch and will probably always wanted to set theses of the book to make some preliminary ideas for discussion:
The narrator repeatedly reflected on the difficulty of a resistor to him in understanding the totality of circumstances is justified - which has the aftertaste, unwanted apologetics of the impossibility of resistance in the 3rd operate kingdom. Practice (who want to understand the protagonist as a communist) is always associated with the reductionism that can not grasp the whole, respectively. a sense of imprisonment in the wrong sense to have. (P. 113f .*). This false Consciousness constitutes itself twice: first from the difficulty, if not impossible, to take out of their social class that can do what they theoretically led to resistance "work off" (p. 107 *). Second, from the perspective of the inherent 3.Reich, which allowed real, critical knowledge at all, but only in an idea of the "feeling that what [they] were doing the right thing" (p. 116 *) must remain under arrest. The tension between theory and practice, the protagonists too often stagnant. The "filter" which they think about their "senses" (p. 113 *), they can still recognize its existence, However, depending on your view beat, or apparently do not appear. And it is those "filters" this constituted double, false consciousness.
* The page numbers refer to the paperback edition of all three volumes from 2005
Thursday, August 30, 2007
How Long Do You Put Your Nudies In The Freezer?
cee IEH 146
the new ceh IEH is online, thus my latest article . the whole thing is a polemic against the dalai lama.
also worth reading: my interview with the old-school commie Theodor Bergmann and the , the and the so almost everything. occurs in the violent printasugabe additional orange in autumn, therefore, very fashionable, you have to say it!
the new ceh IEH is online, thus my latest article . the whole thing is a polemic against the dalai lama.
also worth reading: my interview with the old-school commie Theodor Bergmann and the , the and the so almost everything. occurs in the violent printasugabe additional orange in autumn, therefore, very fashionable, you have to say it!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Images Of Psoriasis In Babies
na sowas!
from the days mirrors
who would have thought?
well, is we are fortunately still not sure whether it should be actually been such that a dorfmob from dark Germany , comprising foreign origin of "participants" of a city fests some sub-human, in turn only "visitors" to the same event, insulted and have beaten. I do not believe until it's not proven! Saxony is in fact my zivilcouragiert guaranteed and cosmopolitan.
I'll tell you
from the days mirrors
chase of Indians in Saxony
In a chase of Indian visitors to a town festival in Mügeln (Saxony) in the night of Sunday Twelve people were injured. Many spectators will be the raid have witnessed, applauded and shouted xenophobic slogans.
Mügeln - About 50 mostly young German had pursued after an argument in a pizzeria Indians fled and entered the restaurant doors. The police said on Sunday the first of more than 20 hours after the brutal incident. About 70 police officers then pushed the attackers. In violent Disputes were injured eight Indians and four German. One of the Indian visitors and a German had to be hospitalized. Also two policemen were injured. To arrest was not disclosed, but it was an investigation team was established. Many onlookers had viewed the raid with.
"A xenophobic motive is not excluded," said national police chief Bernd Merbitz. "We are investigating but in all directions." A report in the Leipziger Volkszeitung, according to the German attackers shouted anti-foreigner slogans, could not confirm the head of the Executive Office for the West Saxony police, Reinhard Böttcher, directly. "Witnesses reported that it could have been such slogans," he said Sunday evening. The German participants in the Old Town Festival and the Indian visitors had been fighting to 0:30 clock first in a tent and were present also become violent. Then the Indians fled to the pizzeria.
Details of the causes of the dispute are not yet available. "We hope that we can post the first results on Monday," said the police spokesman. So far, it also remains unclear whether the onlookers applauded approvingly, "or simply not to intervene" were. "Fact: Alcohol has played a role at this time - and also was suddenly something going on," Boettcher said. (With AP)
who would have thought?
well, is we are fortunately still not sure whether it should be actually been such that a dorfmob from dark Germany , comprising foreign origin of "participants" of a city fests some sub-human, in turn only "visitors" to the same event, insulted and have beaten. I do not believe until it's not proven! Saxony is in fact my zivilcouragiert guaranteed and cosmopolitan.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Male Brazilian Wax Hampton
what is going on?
tonight find my knowledge of at least three nice partys and nothing out there instead:
techno on the nuns meadow
drum and bass at the richard wagner hain
homo electro techno from somewhere near Leipzig ...
much fun!
tonight find my knowledge of at least three nice partys and nothing out there instead:
techno on the nuns meadow
drum and bass at the richard wagner hain
homo electro techno from somewhere near Leipzig ...
much fun!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Old Pink Care Of The Funny Farm,chalford,uk
players terminology kingmaker or king-maker
play situations in which a game by a player who is no longer fighting for the victory is decided, are frequently controversial. Such situation is called " Kingmaker scenario "(or kingmaker situation). The severed player can increase his train is either the one or help the other leaders to victory. His decision for or against a particular train, therefore, decides on who wins the whole lot in the end. If at the coronation of the winner will also interpersonal considerations ("I will not sleep on the couch today ...") come into play, winning the minds cook over very oriented players then ever thought about and the escalation is inevitable.
In almost every tactically or strategically-inspired multi-player game can be constructed ways in which such considerations arise:
me everything's going too far. In my opinion, belongs in every game, in which more than two persons or parties involved, the social aspect so fundamental to the game (and fun) to ensure that a separation of these influences is not possible. Of course, during the entire game my decisions have ensured that now Player A and Player B in the first place in this situation. Of course, A and B have failed during the entire game, is enough to set off from their opponents, so that it could only arise for this end. The last day of a possible move for several hours game is never the only or even the most important decision I make.
You can even talk about whether it is up to that king-maker's decision is legitimate to favor one player. Then you have to talk also about whether agreements, negotiations, general tips and the table talk is allowed. THE me is too much trouble, too restrictive, too little fun, and above all too little game.
from my experience I think I can say that the allegations of the "King Maker" (more hard), often simply are just whining. I do not know anyone who does not like to win. From this perspective, the Kingmaker of the person who lose his decision would put pressure on the effect that it possesses moral concerns are inculcated. But that is again only a form of negotiation and diplomacy. Since this "negotiation" but the meta-level at the table includes ("That's unfair, if you decide that now ... it destroys the whole game!"), Bites here in the cat's tail. The king-maker to prohibit the inclusion of certain considerations or reproach, is in turn a game foreign element.
kingmaker situations will give it time and again. I can live with. However, if this social pressure at the table is created, the story goes too far. Players, the fear of loss have a lot by a king-makers should focus on perhaps two-person games. There they will find it much easier.
Maybe I'm in a kingmaker situations just so so relaxed because I am almost never the beneficiaries. If there at a table (with my usual rounds) the decision is whether I or anyone else should get the advantage, I almost always draw the short straw. Nevertheless, I makes playing fun. Really funny, right?

In almost every tactically or strategically-inspired multi-player game can be constructed ways in which such considerations arise:
- TransAmerica - I choose on my way to my last city, the route that leads me through a previously connected city and care therefore possibly that of sitting in front of me wins and I make the little detour and the player wins for me?
- Settlers of Catan - Who should I negotiate my last ore, at least to build a settlement still can?
- Puerto Rico - I take the master and distribute the final victory points, or I choose the builder, and allow just that of the miners took to build his last building? Or would you prefer the mayor, so that the whole great building can be occupied at least yet?
me everything's going too far. In my opinion, belongs in every game, in which more than two persons or parties involved, the social aspect so fundamental to the game (and fun) to ensure that a separation of these influences is not possible. Of course, during the entire game my decisions have ensured that now Player A and Player B in the first place in this situation. Of course, A and B have failed during the entire game, is enough to set off from their opponents, so that it could only arise for this end. The last day of a possible move for several hours game is never the only or even the most important decision I make.
You can even talk about whether it is up to that king-maker's decision is legitimate to favor one player. Then you have to talk also about whether agreements, negotiations, general tips and the table talk is allowed. THE me is too much trouble, too restrictive, too little fun, and above all too little game.
from my experience I think I can say that the allegations of the "King Maker" (more hard), often simply are just whining. I do not know anyone who does not like to win. From this perspective, the Kingmaker of the person who lose his decision would put pressure on the effect that it possesses moral concerns are inculcated. But that is again only a form of negotiation and diplomacy. Since this "negotiation" but the meta-level at the table includes ("That's unfair, if you decide that now ... it destroys the whole game!"), Bites here in the cat's tail. The king-maker to prohibit the inclusion of certain considerations or reproach, is in turn a game foreign element.
kingmaker situations will give it time and again. I can live with. However, if this social pressure at the table is created, the story goes too far. Players, the fear of loss have a lot by a king-makers should focus on perhaps two-person games. There they will find it much easier.
Maybe I'm in a kingmaker situations just so so relaxed because I am almost never the beneficiaries. If there at a table (with my usual rounds) the decision is whether I or anyone else should get the advantage, I almost always draw the short straw. Nevertheless, I makes playing fun. Really funny, right?
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Phone Numbers Of Gays In Mumbai
yesterday I was once again a place of my youth, the "cell" in Reutlingen within the framework of an "all city hiphop jams". My presence at this event was not in the first line of my interest, but due rather to the fact that in reutlingen yesterday, as always, nothing was going on. I was quite drunk and did most of the time spent in front of the door. yet I can still remember pretty much the fact that the performing artists rather large flags Lebanon (!), Saudi Arabia (!) and the brd (!!!) in the "left" establishment conducted during her appearance with him. to music I can not say too much, she was just about what "well done" is called, but I was glad that I live by the lyrics because of the quality only very few have noticed. It was definitely a lot of starch, zusmmenhalt, family, etc., the talk, otherwise we assured each other mainly his testosterone-heterosexual identity and made clear to everyone who is being fucked by whom in the ass.
the question is really when such people at last by German multicultural Depp as responsible subjects to be taken seriously and are therefore consistently ignored or beaten up.
yesterday I was once again a place of my youth, the "cell" in Reutlingen within the framework of an "all city hiphop jams". My presence at this event was not in the first line of my interest, but due rather to the fact that in reutlingen yesterday, as always, nothing was going on. I was quite drunk and did most of the time spent in front of the door. yet I can still remember pretty much the fact that the performing artists rather large flags Lebanon (!), Saudi Arabia (!) and the brd (!!!) in the "left" establishment conducted during her appearance with him. to music I can not say too much, she was just about what "well done" is called, but I was glad that I live by the lyrics because of the quality only very few have noticed. It was definitely a lot of starch, zusmmenhalt, family, etc., the talk, otherwise we assured each other mainly his testosterone-heterosexual identity and made clear to everyone who is being fucked by whom in the ass.
the question is really when such people at last by German multicultural Depp as responsible subjects to be taken seriously and are therefore consistently ignored or beaten up.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Us Visaappointment Confirmation
I just read ...
... fiction, because holidays and this: I have
first adhering to the highest of Arthur Schnitzler's "Professor Bernhardi" read a piece about anti-Semitism in Vienna of the fin de siècle, the whole was not able to verbally sooo great are interesting but the characters, the description of the milieu (liberal-katholisch/sozial-deutschnational/alldeutsch) problem awareness and that of the author. you should be able
then I read "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad read the background story is admirably described the European colonialism in the Congo, however, the novel also psychologically very intelligent designed, the protagonist in the novel undergoes an extreme transformation of its run and will increasingly illusions about themselves and the robbed the world. in any case a highly recommended book.
I just read "The Plague" by Albert Camus and so far it likes me very well. let's see.
... fiction, because holidays and this: I have
first adhering to the highest of Arthur Schnitzler's "Professor Bernhardi" read a piece about anti-Semitism in Vienna of the fin de siècle, the whole was not able to verbally sooo great are interesting but the characters, the description of the milieu (liberal-katholisch/sozial-deutschnational/alldeutsch) problem awareness and that of the author. you should be able
then I read "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad read the background story is admirably described the European colonialism in the Congo, however, the novel also psychologically very intelligent designed, the protagonist in the novel undergoes an extreme transformation of its run and will increasingly illusions about themselves and the robbed the world. in any case a highly recommended book.
I just read "The Plague" by Albert Camus and so far it likes me very well. let's see.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Denise Milani Contact
I now finally have a working link to texts of the Situationist International found. the SI is yes in reception are leipzig little, maybe it would be cool to once a day seminar or to be implemented ...
I now finally have a working link to texts of the Situationist International found. the SI is yes in reception are leipzig little, maybe it would be cool to once a day seminar or to be implemented ...
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Replacement Stranne Light Bulbs
TschauTschuessi, Christian!
Now that we have finally the evil Christian Worch of Leipzig distributed and thus the real evil-exterritorialisiert have, at last, and become final in terms of humanity and civil society to the top of the class, we must Leipzig allow us now have a proper victory celebration:
In the Similide give it on Thursday evening a work-out party in the guaranteed stitched the bear. For irritation, the confidential Geduze provided on the flyer, "Christian" is called the Leipzig favorite villain here and bad assumptions about the relationship secretly want the scene to her necessary enemy (out-group and such) will thus certainly a higher plausibility ... but as it may, we are we
and therefore:
Come all!
join the glorious!
(+ other slogans, which are expected to her to think of you.)
Now that we have finally the evil Christian Worch of Leipzig distributed and thus the real evil-exterritorialisiert have, at last, and become final in terms of humanity and civil society to the top of the class, we must Leipzig allow us now have a proper victory celebration:
In the Similide give it on Thursday evening a work-out party in the guaranteed stitched the bear. For irritation, the confidential Geduze provided on the flyer, "Christian" is called the Leipzig favorite villain here and bad assumptions about the relationship secretly want the scene to her necessary enemy (out-group and such) will thus certainly a higher plausibility ... but as it may, we are we
and therefore:
Come all!
join the glorious!
(+ other slogans, which are expected to her to think of you.)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Stroke Victims Inclusive
Today: under the Semitism exhibition
in Leipzig will become a talk with someone from the phase 2 and an allegedly very cool professor of Political Science Institute of the University of Leipzig. 19.30 clock in the school museum.
weekend: Lecture and Day seminar with Joachim Bruhn in Halle, check: http://nokrauts.antifa.net/
The summit will talk next week in Leipzig and be a guest here on the relationship between Zionism and communism in Conne Iceland :
know if someone good partys, please comment on this entry.
Today: under the Semitism exhibition
in Leipzig will become a talk with someone from the phase 2 and an allegedly very cool professor of Political Science Institute of the University of Leipzig. 19.30 clock in the school museum.
weekend: Lecture and Day seminar with Joachim Bruhn in Halle, check: http://nokrauts.antifa.net/
The summit will talk next week in Leipzig and be a guest here on the relationship between Zionism and communism in Conne Iceland :
Loneliness Theodor Herzl
The hatred of Israel and the work of the materialist critique of the state Joachim Bruhn (Freiburg)
It may be that pluralism is more than a dozen in Germany ideology. May be, that the struggle between Left and Right to the "occupation" of the political center and everything else is just as the mirror game of politics, by means of which reproduces the power relations of sovereignty. May even be that the controversy left for the "right to work" is indeed the antagonism to the left of the apology "free market" or contains. While this is by
with the materialist critique of political economy not expected, but this framework the inevitable principle hope to deny categorically not. However, is the political pluralism requires the dogmatism of the state, but he is, with Marx, a mechanism through which competition for the occupation of the government, systematically concealed, that the social ills lies in the existence and nature of the state. The essence of this rule is it is to own the monopoly of power over life and death, in the nature of the German state, it is also about being the active self-consciousness of the extermination and murder context. Because of this mutually and collectively beschwiegenen or even rationalized business sense to base the policy, is it that the left with the rights by means of differences among them in defiance always agree when it comes to Israel. In terms of Israel does not care to cite any example, whether the ex-Green Jamal Karsli of the "Junge Freiheit" equal to or interviewed by the "Red Flag", the weekly newspaper of the MLPD. It does not matter to give a further, more academic example, whether Fordism Frankfurt theorists such as lupus or Joachim Hirsch talk about the "social" and "social", but consistently split off and repress that precisely the Henry Ford, their beautiful theory owe, was an anti-Semite of degrees and cues of the leader, that even in Antonio Gramsci, the founder of "Fordism", this separation worked so completely that the categories of hegemony day up to the present are also among the strategists of the counter-revolution very en vogue. It is, after all, no matter whether the books of Noam Chomsky on the more left to cleats-Verlag from Lüneburg relates or equal to the "German Book Service" of the German People's Union, as it is, only has to care if Chomsky of the National- newspaper is asked about the world situation or equal to the "young world" ~ all this is irrelevant and the examples, therefore, no end, because the contrast between left and right in terms of Israel, removed and destroyed, because one of the common basis for business insurance as German wants. Therefore is it the crime on the basis of their own, the post-fascist rule to split and to project on Israel to give that is the cult of the nation state itself, the so sweet like so murderous madness of the identity of the people and leadership, between citizens and politics. How, therefore, anti-Semitism, which are more economical to legitimizing side of Jew-hatred, as the everyday religion of capitalized company in the divorce of the "productive" from "speculative" capital is deposited, the anti-Zionism, which are more politically in camouflierende version of the very same hatred of the Jews, the neat separation between the "state of the whole people", ie the "organic" people's state Germany on the one hand, and the desolate "construct" of Israel, which is, "inorganic structure" and "bulwark of imperialism" that it is incurable, against the Palestinians could only use "Nazi extermination policies." It is expressed in this division, that it is a spin-off that the capitalized consciousness is still below the level of civic education that it denies the revolutionary origins of his own rule. The materialist critique of the state has to resist this ideology, by first of all deny the Germans under the usual fairy tales, anti-Semitism was the one, the anti-Zionism, but the other completely.
Joachim Bruhn (Freiburg) is co-author of the initiative Socialist Forum,
terrible anti-Semite, respectable anti-Zionists.
About Israel and the German left ideology.
200 pages, 13 €, ISBN 3-924627-08-8 in Ca ira-Verlag
Monday 30 July, 19:00 clock, GWZ, Beethoven Street, Room 2010
organized by the Alliance Against Anti-Semitism Leipzig and the Leipzig StudentInnenRat the Universiät
know if someone good partys, please comment on this entry.
Monday, July 23, 2007
How To Create A Premium Cookie
fuck you! (History and philosophy) is
so, because I finally, finally, unreasonable demands of the intellectual in my sociology studies released here my mischievous-spiteful There
two should rehearse to meet quality illustrate the text:
it is way too soon in ceeieh items to the situationist international giving. watch out!
so, because I finally, finally, unreasonable demands of the intellectual in my sociology studies released here my mischievous-spiteful There
Surely, despite all among the few students of sufficient intellectual level: mocking laughter of my fellow students, a wonderful passage from the classic "about the miserable in the student milieu. Mastering these without difficulty, the miserable performance assessments that are tailored to the mediocre and they mostly just because they have seen through the system, it despised, and know that they are his enemies. You take the best that the university system has to offer: the scholarships. By exploiting the vulnerabilities of control, their own logic they dazuzwingt here today, a small purely intellectual realm of "research" to maintain, drive them to calm the unrest to the extreme: their open contempt for the system is paired with the clairvoyance that allows them to just emmöglicht be stronger than the servant of the system - and first in the intellectual field. Those of which we speak, and already coming to the theorists of revolutionary movement and are aware that they will come along with it to the public. They hide no one that they use what they see as easily to the "study system" to its destruction. Because the student can not rebel against, without rebelling against his studies and he feels the necessity of this rebellion, of course, less than the workers, who rebels against his position spontaneously. But the student is a product of modern society, just as Godard and Coca-Cola. His extreme alienation can be criticized only by the criticism of the whole society. Under no circumstances can these comments be completed on the student's area: the student presume of itself to a pseudo-value, which forbids him to his real expropriation to be aware of and he remains on top of false consciousness. But wherever the modern society is beginning to be criticized for breaking a revolt going on the youth that directly corresponds to a total critique of student behavior.
two should rehearse to meet quality illustrate the text:
Its extremely poor economic situation of the student sentenced to a very unenviable form of survival. But always pleased with himself, he raises his misery trivial to an original "lifestyle": cultured and bohemian poverty. The "Boheme," which is already far from being an original solution will really only be lived after a final and irrevocable break with the Universititsmilieu. Their supporters among the students (and all flirt with it being a little) cling so only at an artificial and run-down version of what best only a mediocre individual solution. So as to earn the contempt even by old ladies in the country. Thirty years after Wilhelm Reich (8), this outstanding educator of young people have these "originals" still the most traditional and erotic love Ever Hold ways and reproduce in their sexual relations, the general relations of class society. The ability of the student, a militant leave any caliber speaks volumes about his impotence. Within the scope of individual freedom that is allowed by the totalitarian spectacle, and despite his more or less flexible timetable, the student still ignored the adventure and draws to it scarcely measured daily Space-time before, which was set up for him by the guards of the same spectacle.
"To be avant-garde, to keep step with reality" (16). The radical critique of the modern world now has to have the totality of the object and purpose. You must inextricably their real past, that is what they really relate to their Pespektiven change. To tell the whole truth of the contemporary world and formulate the project even more of their total subversion, one must be able to reveal all their hidden history, that is completely demystifies and generally critical of the history of the entire to consider international revolutionary movement with its defeats and victories, is the cause of the proletariat of Western countries for more than a century. "This movement against the entire organization of the old world has long since come to an end" (17) and failed. With the defeat of the proletarian revolution in Spain (Barcelona in May 1937) is the last time they entered appearance in the history. Your official "Lost" or "victory" have judged in the light, however, their extensions and their truth will be restored. So it is claimed, we can show that "there are defeats, the victories, and victories are more shameful than defeats" (Karl Liebknecht, the day before his assassination). The first major "defeat" of the proletarian power, the Paris Commune is, in fact represents its first major victory, because for the first time, the "primitive" proletariat asserts its historical ability to make free all aspects of public life. Accordingly, it was the first major "victory", the Bolshevik Revolution, in the end only its most serious defeat. The triumph of the Bolshevik order coincides with the movement of international counter-revolution, which began with the defeat of Spartacus by the German "social democracy" began. Your common triumph was lower than its apparent opposite and this Bolshevik order also identified only a new disguise and a special form of the old order dar. The results of the Russian counter-revolution were inside the establishment and development of a new exploitation way of the bureaucratic state capitalism, and the exterior, the multiplication of sections of the so-called Communist International as the offices for the defense and expansion of its model. Thus, capitalism flourished in its new administrative and civil variants of the tombs of the Kronstadt sailors and the Ukrainian peasants, the workers of Berlin, Kiel, Turin, Shanghai and later Barcelona.
it is way too soon in ceeieh items to the situationist international giving. watch out!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Télécharger Radeon Pro Family
First impression: Phoenicia
For two weeks I am the proud owner of "Phoenicia " by Tom Lehmann, published by JKLM Games. Players in the early 90s, a copy of " "Could get hold of James Hlavaty, or in recent years Jens Drögemüller" Outpost play the scepter of Zavandor "was the basic structure can be found here. Tom has, in my opinion, but by his own productions a good game into an excellent game upgraded.
What is it? Each player through the acquisition of technological progress and transform the development of its own infrastructure of a Phoenician settlement in the ancient world into a thriving city-state. This is all at the beginning of the game the way its own workers as use as a hunter or farmer, so as to reach the coveted production points. For four production points you gained each turn, one can stack the production of maps at the end of each round, draw a card. These cards control nice, a value of 4, 5 or even 6 points in the assets of the player, so that the acquisition of such a card is never a disadvantage.
The assets can then be reinvested in the next round in the formation of other workers or successful bid for development of maps. The development cards are the engine of the game because of new advances such as dyer, iron smelting, ports or other facilities for caravans, your workers will be opened, so this course, ideally, more production points generate and more expensive development boards can be envisaged. A construction strategy game finest Art
What distinguishes " Phoenicia " now opposed to his predecessors, that I commend this to the skies? First, the reduction to the essentials. The fact that manages " Phoenicia " with just three types of production cards helps, especially in the auction phase of development cards immensely. In "The Scepter of Zavandor " I had to, especially in later rounds, with many different card values handle, which has not always simplify the calculation of the own bid. The addition of card values such as 7, 13 and 9 slows the game. With the numbers 4, 5 and 6, I can be much faster and expect above all safer. The production is much easier to handle, because I received not so complicated like 3 green, 2 blue and 3 red cards, but all the production values have been reduced to this one card type.
On "The Scepter of Zavandor " and "Outpost " to me but the subject is a little like better. Wizards and factories on other planets are just nicer than the usual, old city-state. This has resulted in Zavandor but very different problems. The rules were, especially in the first version, so a little difficult to understand than necessary, because strong made of the terminology from the magic area, and the presentation of the rule rather than prosaic work as set as a game rule.
But we are talking now of "Phoenicia . Again, there are one or two small points I would have better solved for a perfect game. The representation of discounts for future development of cards in the middle of the game plan in my opinion is not entirely successful. When you have once understood (unfortunately it is not exactly explained in the Rules), it is clear, how to get the necessary information from the two tables that clearly and is not. One would have certainly done better.
But this tiny predicament should not obscure the fact that "Phoenicia" is for me so far one of the highlights of 2007. Great game.
Short standard correction: As I write this, I noticed in the game box forum, a rule issue to Phoenicia. Meanwhile, the author Tom Lehman on the BoardGameGeek this question answered and it was clarified that the rule contains a blur:
On exchange of money against further washers production cards in the phase 2.c the English (and therefore also the German) rule says that you have more money than 4 discs in order to perform this exchange. This is not right. Tom Lehman has made clear that are really needed here LEAST 4 slices of money. So you can, even if only 4 disks in his camp, has exchange them for another production card.
For two weeks I am the proud owner of "Phoenicia " by Tom Lehmann, published by JKLM Games. Players in the early 90s, a copy of " "Could get hold of James Hlavaty, or in recent years Jens Drögemüller" Outpost play the scepter of Zavandor "was the basic structure can be found here. Tom has, in my opinion, but by his own productions a good game into an excellent game upgraded.
The assets can then be reinvested in the next round in the formation of other workers or successful bid for development of maps. The development cards are the engine of the game because of new advances such as dyer, iron smelting, ports or other facilities for caravans, your workers will be opened, so this course, ideally, more production points generate and more expensive development boards can be envisaged. A construction strategy game finest Art
What distinguishes " Phoenicia " now opposed to his predecessors, that I commend this to the skies? First, the reduction to the essentials. The fact that manages " Phoenicia " with just three types of production cards helps, especially in the auction phase of development cards immensely. In "The Scepter of Zavandor " I had to, especially in later rounds, with many different card values handle, which has not always simplify the calculation of the own bid. The addition of card values such as 7, 13 and 9 slows the game. With the numbers 4, 5 and 6, I can be much faster and expect above all safer. The production is much easier to handle, because I received not so complicated like 3 green, 2 blue and 3 red cards, but all the production values have been reduced to this one card type.
On "The Scepter of Zavandor " and "Outpost " to me but the subject is a little like better. Wizards and factories on other planets are just nicer than the usual, old city-state. This has resulted in Zavandor but very different problems. The rules were, especially in the first version, so a little difficult to understand than necessary, because strong made of the terminology from the magic area, and the presentation of the rule rather than prosaic work as set as a game rule.
But we are talking now of "Phoenicia . Again, there are one or two small points I would have better solved for a perfect game. The representation of discounts for future development of cards in the middle of the game plan in my opinion is not entirely successful. When you have once understood (unfortunately it is not exactly explained in the Rules), it is clear, how to get the necessary information from the two tables that clearly and is not. One would have certainly done better.
But this tiny predicament should not obscure the fact that "Phoenicia" is for me so far one of the highlights of 2007. Great game.
Short standard correction: As I write this, I noticed in the game box forum, a rule issue to Phoenicia. Meanwhile, the author Tom Lehman on the BoardGameGeek this question answered and it was clarified that the rule contains a blur:
On exchange of money against further washers production cards in the phase 2.c the English (and therefore also the German) rule says that you have more money than 4 discs in order to perform this exchange. This is not right. Tom Lehman has made clear that are really needed here LEAST 4 slices of money. So you can, even if only 4 disks in his camp, has exchange them for another production card.
Who Has The Flat Boobs In Bollywood ?
hey, unfortunately I'm getting rough again in stress, which is why their content is nothing. soon, that is when I have passed all the exams are going with minimal effort, but here I gleefully hateful and contemptuous tirades post to my fellow students and the course structure. muhaaahahaaha. supported by the Situationist International (SI), of course.
hey, unfortunately I'm getting rough again in stress, which is why their content is nothing. soon, that is when I have passed all the exams are going with minimal effort, but here I gleefully hateful and contemptuous tirades post to my fellow students and the course structure. muhaaahahaaha. supported by the Situationist International (SI), of course.
Friday, July 6, 2007
How Much To Add Name On House Deeds
to all whom I have already given ages ago the access that comment but never let go even in on the keys:
I'm disappointed really pretty.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
How Many Calories Pils Lager
grumble a bit of training you would do very good times!
at this point is on an exciting exhibition and veanstaltungsreihe noted that soon will be performed in Leipzig committed by the scientists of the EnWi and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. The theme is "That's not the case with us" - anti-Semitism in the GDR.
at this point is on an exciting exhibition and veanstaltungsreihe noted that soon will be performed in Leipzig committed by the scientists of the EnWi and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. The theme is "That's not the case with us" - anti-Semitism in the GDR.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Death Aniversary Invitation
The game of the year 2007 is Zooloretto
was two hours ago it confirmed by the live news ticker from the press conference in Berlin: The Game of the Year 2007 " Zooloretto " by Michael Schacht, published by Abacus . From me a cordial greeting.
We Zooloretto have met in May at the Herner games madness. Present again my former opinion:
That has not changed since. I think Zooloretto still a very decent game of the year. But, for the discussion of the (among others) Spielboxforum pick up again: I am not the target audience of this price. And you, if you're reading this, probably not. This, however, more below.
First, a few thoughts on Zooloretto : The Abacus publisher in the production of the game probably only made a tiny mistake. You have brought no polar bears on the cover. This was said Joe Nikisch at the press conference in Berlin, but was in fact once planned (that was before the hysteria surrounding Knut), the polar bear but was then removed in favor of a much sweeter pandas.
Otherwise Zooloretto leaves little to be desired. The loving grandparents get an excellent and suitable family game for the gift table and the author Michael Schacht provided on its website games from Timbuktu the rest of the world with free extensions, control options and new ideas. So it is first of all ensure that Zooloretto as soon not get bored. The site is (in my opinion) a bit "messy" because there is a lot of material presented to almost too small space, but in the quality of the offered, I am willing to overlook it.
Michael Schacht is after such a great games like Hansa , spat and above all other Kardinal & König to enjoy very much, for once to gain the approval of the jury. He develops games of very different depth and claim severity, I have in the many games I've played him already, only found very few that I liked not .
shopping Source: Amazon.de - Zooloretto. Game of the Year 2007
As I said, Zooloretto is a worthy winner. The other candidates on 20 May have been named on the nomination list were, although all (well, well, perhaps with the exception of "The Thief of Bagdad ") very good games, but Zooloretto been the best choice, if you look at the needs and goals of the jury sees. There it is principally in the not naming the best game of a class, but:
is not all that complicated, I can max the game explain 5 minutes." This argument ignores, however, the situation. The people who participate in these discussions are certainly not the scale. I can (!) "The architects of Arkadia " give or " Thebes " in 5 (okay, 10) minutes of my attentive players. Then, because I had during the game to comply with the rules of respect and did everything in sight, the game will work well, played fast and fun for everyone . Make But I was there only once. You can, too, so we're a couple. But then? Not every family has a Alpha player in the cabinet or on call. Most families I know are not able to acquire a 5-side rule to liquid and then play a game. I remember with horror to the mid-80s and my first attempts with junta.
Uli Blenneman Phalanx Games has on-the-rich spiele.de published a commentary, where he claims a different thrust to the jury. In his opinion, the panel of judges because of an incorrect way because they all at the lowest common denominator (ie the simplicity of the rules and the low demand) is reduced and thus help anyone. In his opinion, be by one hand, the families are not supported because they have that is only "easy" games and the diversity of our hobby fringe and guess with much happiness. On the other hand, helps the jury, but not even because they just do not, the article "game" promotes but reduces to mundane fare. His solution is to drop the consideration of the low entry barrier and to nominate "real" games. He says there anyway never played the majority of the purchased game of the year gifts moved to the cabinets, you can also a more complex, more demanding and more interesting game . Reward
I think Uli fails to recognize here the importance of "Game of the Year" award, which has been built in the last 20 years. Buyers rely on that is included in the box containing the Pawns an easy to understand and not too complex a game. These confidence-building start over again, by throwing overboard this premise is not a good approach. A slow migration to these new requirements could work, but would also turn a slow drying out of the audience are facing.
There it is again: the target group. That is all what this is turning. In today's time (attention, cultural pessimism), no one wants, the has not yet been introduced to the game, wasting 30 minutes reading the rules. Who does not know in advance whether he will make the activity "board games" at all fun reads, no rules, earned a game. What we learn from it
: To achieve the goals of the jury fomulierten it is not enough each year to reward a "game of the year" to the cultural "game" to promote. Just as it is lived in the moment, makes the pawns for 5 minutes in the evening news, three to five newspaper articles in local press organs and a powerful sales during the Christmas period. This will help the publishers, but nothing more. The game of the year So economic aid to a single industry.
What does that mean for me? I will take in the future appreciation of the award notice, knowing nod and go on. The game of the year has little relevance for me. It can be incredibly good discussion on the selection of excellent games, but it will eventually get bored. Much more interesting a discussion of the award itself is it sufficient to distribute a pawn and then leave for one year from the attention? I think not. The cultural "game" is not really encouraged. Would not it be more interesting to find additional ways, such as the games get more attention to could? That will not happen by the invention of new games prices, additional awards and votes on the web. But what is the alternative?
So I make myself now, the first evaluation of new products for food 2007th On 18 October Fair gates open! This is an event for me. Since I am target because I can be. Maybe you can find a way.
was two hours ago it confirmed by the live news ticker from the press conference in Berlin: The Game of the Year 2007 " Zooloretto " by Michael Schacht, published by Abacus . From me a cordial greeting.
We Zooloretto have met in May at the Herner games madness. Present again my former opinion:
" Zooloretto "By Michael Schacht, published by Abacus Spiele
Finally, we have then gone on a table with" "found. These are well known to the board game version of the card game" Zooloretto Coloretto "from 2003 . I must say that the implementation is exceptional. Normally, I'm such a "board game for the card game" against (similar Peer ) not vote very friendly. In most cases, such as the " dance of the idiots " by Wolfgang Kramer brings me the board game with not enough new elements to justify the higher price and shelf space. Here is the different. Two new elements (money and the topology of the reserves) are an excellent patch with the issue. These have been upgraded to a nice Absackerkartenspiel a lightweight and speedy board game. I like especially the additional opportunities provided by the monetary actions, very good. They have drawn a new tactical level, which would be in the card game was simply inappropriate. Conclusion: A good game of the year candidate. Will certainly be mentioned in one of my next orders.
That has not changed since. I think Zooloretto still a very decent game of the year. But, for the discussion of the (among others) Spielboxforum pick up again: I am not the target audience of this price. And you, if you're reading this, probably not. This, however, more below.
First, a few thoughts on Zooloretto : The Abacus publisher in the production of the game probably only made a tiny mistake. You have brought no polar bears on the cover. This was said Joe Nikisch at the press conference in Berlin, but was in fact once planned (that was before the hysteria surrounding Knut), the polar bear but was then removed in favor of a much sweeter pandas.
Otherwise Zooloretto leaves little to be desired. The loving grandparents get an excellent and suitable family game for the gift table and the author Michael Schacht provided on its website games from Timbuktu the rest of the world with free extensions, control options and new ideas. So it is first of all ensure that Zooloretto as soon not get bored. The site is (in my opinion) a bit "messy" because there is a lot of material presented to almost too small space, but in the quality of the offered, I am willing to overlook it.
Michael Schacht is after such a great games like Hansa , spat and above all other Kardinal & König to enjoy very much, for once to gain the approval of the jury. He develops games of very different depth and claim severity, I have in the many games I've played him already, only found very few that I liked not .
shopping Source: Amazon.de - Zooloretto. Game of the Year 2007
As I said, Zooloretto is a worthy winner. The other candidates on 20 May have been named on the nomination list were, although all (well, well, perhaps with the exception of "The Thief of Bagdad ") very good games, but Zooloretto been the best choice, if you look at the needs and goals of the jury sees. There it is principally in the not naming the best game of a class, but:
objectiveobjective you have to keep in assessing the performance of the jury always in mind. The point is not that great play to reward the invention of the cube of wood. It's about families and friends to gather at a table and convey to them a little of the fascination of the "game". At this point, of course, is always opposition. True to the motto: "But
in the framework of the critics award "Game of the Year" awards given to the cultural heritage of players, the thought of playing in the family Friends and revive and give guidance in the big games offer. This named
Uli Blenneman Phalanx Games has on-the-rich spiele.de published a commentary, where he claims a different thrust to the jury. In his opinion, the panel of judges because of an incorrect way because they all at the lowest common denominator (ie the simplicity of the rules and the low demand) is reduced and thus help anyone. In his opinion, be by one hand, the families are not supported because they have that is only "easy" games and the diversity of our hobby fringe and guess with much happiness. On the other hand, helps the jury, but not even because they just do not, the article "game" promotes but reduces to mundane fare. His solution is to drop the consideration of the low entry barrier and to nominate "real" games. He says there anyway never played the majority of the purchased game of the year gifts moved to the cabinets, you can also a more complex, more demanding and more interesting game . Reward
I think Uli fails to recognize here the importance of "Game of the Year" award, which has been built in the last 20 years. Buyers rely on that is included in the box containing the Pawns an easy to understand and not too complex a game. These confidence-building start over again, by throwing overboard this premise is not a good approach. A slow migration to these new requirements could work, but would also turn a slow drying out of the audience are facing.
There it is again: the target group. That is all what this is turning. In today's time (attention, cultural pessimism), no one wants, the has not yet been introduced to the game, wasting 30 minutes reading the rules. Who does not know in advance whether he will make the activity "board games" at all fun reads, no rules, earned a game. What we learn from it
: To achieve the goals of the jury fomulierten it is not enough each year to reward a "game of the year" to the cultural "game" to promote. Just as it is lived in the moment, makes the pawns for 5 minutes in the evening news, three to five newspaper articles in local press organs and a powerful sales during the Christmas period. This will help the publishers, but nothing more. The game of the year So economic aid to a single industry.
What does that mean for me? I will take in the future appreciation of the award notice, knowing nod and go on. The game of the year has little relevance for me. It can be incredibly good discussion on the selection of excellent games, but it will eventually get bored. Much more interesting a discussion of the award itself is it sufficient to distribute a pawn and then leave for one year from the attention? I think not. The cultural "game" is not really encouraged. Would not it be more interesting to find additional ways, such as the games get more attention to could? That will not happen by the invention of new games prices, additional awards and votes on the web. But what is the alternative?
So I make myself now, the first evaluation of new products for food 2007th On 18 October Fair gates open! This is an event for me. Since I am target because I can be. Maybe you can find a way.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Annual Evaluations Verbiage
News: Survey on Quality of Spring novelties
than three months after the toy fair in Nuremberg, many, if not most, of where the new products available in stores and have been tested by the players in the nation. It took the guys from the spielbar.com as an opportunity to again their proven web survey to go " new games Spring 2007" at the start. The results (including those of the earlier surveys) are posted there after the conclusion of the vote. The vote is up to and including the 17th June.
than three months after the toy fair in Nuremberg, many, if not most, of where the new products available in stores and have been tested by the players in the nation. It took the guys from the spielbar.com as an opportunity to again their proven web survey to go " new games Spring 2007" at the start. The results (including those of the earlier surveys) are posted there after the conclusion of the vote. The vote is up to and including the 17th June.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
General Conversation Dialogues
players terminology comeback game
have in recent weeks, I thought about it that I'm relatively rarely happens that I am from a game was not convinced at first that this is in play again, but suddenly changed. Such games I call comeback games because, after they have already reached almost hopeless rear, still go through the finish as the winner.
probably happened to me the only "comparatively rare", because I'm mean and supposedly bad games do not often give second chances. I am, as mentioned before, a news junkie. After all I can think of but a couple of songs that I can sort easily into this category.
As would be before any other " The Lord of the Rings " by Reiner Knizia, published 2000 in the cosmos. Who I know today, may not believe it, count " The Lord of the Rings " but one of my favorite games, but when I did in October 2000 played at the fair in Essen for the first time, it's failed completely and fully. Perhaps the time was not for the cooperation us, maybe it was on Sunday, the fourth day of the show, just not the right time ...
Presumably it is also because the first game in person was quite a letdown. We had a player at the table, the idea of cooperation could not get anything and the game were, "try out" wanted to see if it is stable in this regard. Cognition: Yes, the game is stable against uncooperative approach. Then win just come Sauron and the hobbits die miserably in Moria. Fun it is therefore but none at all.
Sun I've two (!) needed years to get me the game actually increased and granted him a second chance have. I'm glad I did it.
More comeback games in my closet are " Bluff" by Richard Borg, published by FX Schmid and "Mississippi Queen " by Werner Hodel, published by Gold Sieber. Both games, which brought the respective publishers as the long-desired pawn and title Game of the Year ". Both games I got in my rather elitist "Only real element of luck and please no less complex than Republic of Rome" phase on the table. Back then (in my naive Spielerjungend) I was convinced that the best play award by a vintage Pawns and was therefore disappointed by the two bitter experiences.
Here was the problem so one did not meet expectations. But the game can not, but that was as a player learn naturally first. With my today's earned wisdom of age, I see that both titles were in each year a good selection of the jury. At that time I have doubted the world and would rather have a game of "Civilization " played.
" Bluff" is a timeless genius that demands a number of different skills. to bluff Under Stress (who would have thought), a good poker face, a good deal Fortunately, tactical skill and a good assessment of the players here are absolutely necessary. "Mississippi Queen ", however, is just a nice family game that I have when I think about it long ago could do with playing again.
Finally, I would like to mention " street soccer " by Corné van Moorsel, published in 2002 Cwali. With "street soccer " I'm initially not warm, because the rules for me (again) were almost too simple. In addition, it also had a soccer theme, which one can drive me away pretty sure the table. I have tried it at first then online. Only on littlegolem.net and later in the BSW where I was able to convince me over time like that in this little box a lot more to it than a fortune-dependent kicking around. The tactical finesse that I make from time to still discover, " street soccer " a good comeback game .
Shortly something technical: How the gentle reader has probably noticed, there have been a few days with my short profile on the right side is a small list of games I had as the last on the table. This very useful service is made possible through a small JavaScript that we as Registered users on the BoardGameGeek gets. There, I wear regularly in my profile the games played and rate them too often between now and the BGG scale of 1 to 10
So if you see "Recently played ..." no pictures of games see this, then trust yourself and just turn JavaScript on time ... not absolutely necessary feature, but nice.
have in recent weeks, I thought about it that I'm relatively rarely happens that I am from a game was not convinced at first that this is in play again, but suddenly changed. Such games I call comeback games because, after they have already reached almost hopeless rear, still go through the finish as the winner.
probably happened to me the only "comparatively rare", because I'm mean and supposedly bad games do not often give second chances. I am, as mentioned before, a news junkie. After all I can think of but a couple of songs that I can sort easily into this category.
Presumably it is also because the first game in person was quite a letdown. We had a player at the table, the idea of cooperation could not get anything and the game were, "try out" wanted to see if it is stable in this regard. Cognition: Yes, the game is stable against uncooperative approach. Then win just come Sauron and the hobbits die miserably in Moria. Fun it is therefore but none at all.
Sun I've two (!) needed years to get me the game actually increased and granted him a second chance have. I'm glad I did it.
More comeback games in my closet are " Bluff" by Richard Borg, published by FX Schmid and "Mississippi Queen " by Werner Hodel, published by Gold Sieber. Both games, which brought the respective publishers as the long-desired pawn and title Game of the Year ". Both games I got in my rather elitist "Only real element of luck and please no less complex than Republic of Rome" phase on the table. Back then (in my naive Spielerjungend) I was convinced that the best play award by a vintage Pawns and was therefore disappointed by the two bitter experiences.
" Bluff" is a timeless genius that demands a number of different skills. to bluff Under Stress (who would have thought), a good poker face, a good deal Fortunately, tactical skill and a good assessment of the players here are absolutely necessary. "Mississippi Queen ", however, is just a nice family game that I have when I think about it long ago could do with playing again.
Finally, I would like to mention " street soccer " by Corné van Moorsel, published in 2002 Cwali. With "street soccer " I'm initially not warm, because the rules for me (again) were almost too simple. In addition, it also had a soccer theme, which one can drive me away pretty sure the table. I have tried it at first then online. Only on littlegolem.net and later in the BSW where I was able to convince me over time like that in this little box a lot more to it than a fortune-dependent kicking around. The tactical finesse that I make from time to still discover, " street soccer " a good comeback game .
Shortly something technical: How the gentle reader has probably noticed, there have been a few days with my short profile on the right side is a small list of games I had as the last on the table. This very useful service is made possible through a small JavaScript that we as Registered users on the BoardGameGeek gets. There, I wear regularly in my profile the games played and rate them too often between now and the BGG scale of 1 to 10
So if you see "Recently played ..." no pictures of games see this, then trust yourself and just turn JavaScript on time ... not absolutely necessary feature, but nice.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
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Herner Spielewahnsinn 2007
was this weekend, the schedule again really crowded. Fortunately, also played a little, and indeed in Herne. Again, I used a few players the opportunity to pack your backpack and took the train into the Ruhr to this really nice and clear weekend games to experience a couple of bonus hours of fun. The Spielewahnsinn , which is usually aligned to the middle of May of the year is, calendar ludophilen in a dry season. The fair in Nuremberg for a few weeks and slowly over the first, where the new products come on the table, food is still months in the future ... as an afternoon at the Cultural Centre is just right.
I like the event so as well, because there we can both try out many games that are just fresh from the printer and some are not yet in the delivery, on the other hand, are also prototypes and ideas presented to have even a little nostalgia for Autumn prepare. What have we played? A few little things which I want to lose in the following two or three sentences.
" Zanzibar" by Franz-Benno Delonge, published by Winning Moves
Our first game of the day was a little pre-order, which plays on an island in the Indian Ocean. Each of the 2 to 5 players tried by his tactical moves up to 6 characters to fulfill his orders up to two per round to get as many points. The characters have to be able to drive out here the interesting ability smaller opponent's pieces one square. The range a character takes on steadily with their size, so that the fastest runners are pushed around the most. The orders will be randomly drawn from a personal draw pile, so that one can never be sure what position at the end of the next round is desirable. We played the game with three and none of us were really convinced. On the one hand, you sit idly around while the trains of the other players, because it is really not worth it to plan anything (until I turn am, the situation on the playing field has changed dramatically), on the other hand, can be pushed around in his train up a little, but it is not really clear whether the opponents now really hurt, or maybe even help. The possibilities offered by the game, it just took us too long and offered too little influence. Conclusion: No purchase.
" Thebes " by Peter Prince, published by Queen Games
Then we turned to the state of Queensland Games. After I tried on the last and penultimate game fair, to play a game of " Thebes ", I could finally scored a success and to undergo the remake of Queen Games a small sample. It really liked it. The friendly woman was explaining expert enough to give us the difference to the "original" show, so I now have a certain idea of the difficulties was the previous version and am glad to have waited with my purchase until then. The game just looks beautiful, the pulling mechanism on the timeline is sufficiently innovative (" new ground" by eggertspiele I find another right away, but otherwise?) And I like the theme gorgeous good. Archaeology is at least a dozen times already represented in my player racks. Conclusion: with him.
" Germany - Find Minden " by Günter Burkhardt, published by Kosmos
When you read up on " Germany - Find Minden " we had to directly " Ironically Buxtehude " by Uwe Rapp and Bernhard Lach appeared to think at HUCH & friends. In both games, it's about to score points with my geography knowledge virtually non-existent. While " Ironically Buxtehude " can be sold but in the end rather than bluffing game, you have to "Minden" a real advantage when you can sort the cities in Germany, precisely on the map. There is also a professional version, where can the placement of the other players will be challenged, but we have not used in our first game.
I enjoyed it very much Fun. having to assess each round, as I certainly help me with my typing am, perhaps even from a rather poor understanding of cities and regions of our country to knock out a single point, or by a lot of risk and time to cash in four times the points that irritates me. Particularly struck me is how helpful the large color map (also called the game plan) was here. Through the few reference points on the card and a little common sense can be guessed a lot. Conclusion: I would like to play the version with the doubting, before I decide to buy, in that mere knowledge games do not arrive with us in general as well.
has published " Age of Discovery" by Alfred Viktor Schulz, in phalanx
This game really surprised me. I had already read ahead one or two positive comments, was fond of describing anything but. "Card laying game with mounted on" was my fear. These were confirmed at all, fortunately. Interesting non-obvious (at least for us in the first game) make decisions in exactly the right dose of this novelty. The fact that each has its own bonus points target requires each player a different focus. I think I have seen (certainly not the first) that this ensures that everyone has a different approach to his face and the game this way, exciting. The uncomplicated rules and good graphic design make " Age of Discovery" to my discovery of the gaming madness. Conclusion: Directly taken.
" Zooloretto " by Michael Schacht, published by Abacus Spiele
Finally, we then found another table with " Zooloretto . These are well known to the board game version of the card game " Coloretto " from the year 2003. I must say that the Implementation is exceptional. Usually I'm such a "board game for the card game" against (similar Peer ) voted not particularly friendly. In most cases, such as the "Dance of the idiots " by Wolfgang Kramer brings me the board game with not enough new elements to justify the higher price and shelf space. Here it is different. Two new elements (money and the topology of the reserves) are an excellent patch with the issue. These have been upgraded to a nice Absackerkartenspiel a lightweight and speedy board game. I like especially the additional opportunities provided by the monetary actions, very good. You have a new tactical level fed, which would be in the card game was simply inappropriate. Conclusion: A good game of the year candidate. Will certainly be mentioned in one of my next orders.
more unsorted impressions
was this weekend, the schedule again really crowded. Fortunately, also played a little, and indeed in Herne. Again, I used a few players the opportunity to pack your backpack and took the train into the Ruhr to this really nice and clear weekend games to experience a couple of bonus hours of fun. The Spielewahnsinn , which is usually aligned to the middle of May of the year is, calendar ludophilen in a dry season. The fair in Nuremberg for a few weeks and slowly over the first, where the new products come on the table, food is still months in the future ... as an afternoon at the Cultural Centre is just right.
I like the event so as well, because there we can both try out many games that are just fresh from the printer and some are not yet in the delivery, on the other hand, are also prototypes and ideas presented to have even a little nostalgia for Autumn prepare. What have we played? A few little things which I want to lose in the following two or three sentences.
" Zanzibar" by Franz-Benno Delonge, published by Winning Moves

" Thebes " by Peter Prince, published by Queen Games

" Germany - Find Minden " by Günter Burkhardt, published by Kosmos

I enjoyed it very much Fun. having to assess each round, as I certainly help me with my typing am, perhaps even from a rather poor understanding of cities and regions of our country to knock out a single point, or by a lot of risk and time to cash in four times the points that irritates me. Particularly struck me is how helpful the large color map (also called the game plan) was here. Through the few reference points on the card and a little common sense can be guessed a lot. Conclusion: I would like to play the version with the doubting, before I decide to buy, in that mere knowledge games do not arrive with us in general as well.
has published " Age of Discovery" by Alfred Viktor Schulz, in phalanx

" Zooloretto " by Michael Schacht, published by Abacus Spiele

more unsorted impressions
- The sound system was too loud. In particular, the announcements and comments at the time of the seemingly inevitable poker tournament were unbearable.
- eggertspiele The two prototypes, we are guided by Tobias Stapelfeldt although briefly explain lack of time but not played:
- one hand there was the game " Cuba " where it comes to commodity production, roles, shipping and building construction is sound, not only so as to have a certain similarity to Puerto Rico, it was also explained to us very leaning. Could be very interesting.
- other hand, sees the third part of Mac Gerdts Rondell series of very promising. Church in Hamburg. The highlight for me was here, that in the course of the game one win points by platelet profile gathers together and can cost some time later.
- We then had the last moment still a very interesting discussion with Günter Cornett over the satirical play "War on Terror " of terrorist Bull Games. I had the rules some time ago ever found on the net and read and the game would love to play again. Particularly so in order to make me a picture of it can, whether behind the provoking facade perhaps even put a good game. I've done as yet.
- Is it worth it to mention that I won from the games played in Herne each? Probably not, but I do it anyway ...
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