"A garden saw I, full of boughs blossomy
Upon a river , in a green mead, There as sweetness
evermore enough is, With flowers
white, blue, yellow, and red ... "
This excerpt from the" Parliament of Birds "(Parliament of Fowls") by the poet Geoffrey Chaucer is considered the first poem that Valentine's Day is dedicated. In England and France is the conventional belief widespread that just 14 February, is in the middle of the second month of the year, the beginning of mating season for birds.
This source is read far more pleasant than the custom of the memorial day of St. Valentine. Namely, he was rumored that he gave flowers to love, and took place against the will of state weddings. The 14th February will have been the date of his execution. Other traditions are also in the festival for the Roman goddess Juno, and in an ancient Indian festival. In all traditions, however, flowers play a leading role.
take We also this beautiful event back to the occasion and have come to us for something special for all lovers ...
At your leisure, our guests enjoy a romantic 4-speed or 6-course gourmet meal from the award-winning cuisine of our chef Boris Benecke. Actually a great opportunity

Together with a glass of sparkling and snacks you can let yourself and this beautiful hours of togetherness Niessen quietly GE. At the end, each pair a beautiful rose, which is well known is the symbol for love in general. And maybe even singing the next morning at breakfast in the winter garden birds that Chaucer's poem in paint.
This Sense

"On every bough the birds heard
I sing, With voice of
angels in their harmony ... '
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