Friday, January 28, 2011

How Many Panodol Kill

braces index

There is a so-called Big Mac hamburger, or index, depending on the price of Big Macs in one country provides evidence of the over-or undervalued a currency unit. Anyone who has ever eaten in a Norwegian fast food shop will understand what I mean ...
There is also a so-called Coca Cola index, a correlation between the frequency of consumption of Coca Cola products and the general cultural level of life satisfaction and showing the inhabitants of a country. North Korea lies at the far end of the scale ... assume

While these two indices is also a certain cultural imperialist optimism can, it's not invented by me with the braces index. This says the following of:
higher the potential of a brace wearing time - if you must settle for motion-intensive activities - is higher in this person or in this country, the level of civility.


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