Sunday, August 12, 2007

Phone Numbers Of Gays In Mumbai


yesterday I was once again a place of my youth, the "cell" in Reutlingen within the framework of an "all city hiphop jams". My presence at this event was not in the first line of my interest, but due rather to the fact that in reutlingen yesterday, as always, nothing was going on. I was quite drunk and did most of the time spent in front of the door. yet I can still remember pretty much the fact that the performing artists rather large flags Lebanon (!), Saudi Arabia (!) and the brd (!!!) in the "left" establishment conducted during her appearance with him. to music I can not say too much, she was just about what "well done" is called, but I was glad that I live by the lyrics because of the quality only very few have noticed. It was definitely a lot of starch, zusmmenhalt, family, etc., the talk, otherwise we assured each other mainly his testosterone-heterosexual identity and made clear to everyone who is being fucked by whom in the ass.
the question is really when such people at last by German multicultural Depp as responsible subjects to be taken seriously and are therefore consistently ignored or beaten up.


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