Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How Long Till You Can Be Anerexic

The luck of the stupid

One side of her happiness:
to hurt yourself with good conscience, as they do not fit earlier than it did to them other people. ["I do it out of me so even for me yourself!" (Arbitrariness in the good and evil and beauty ugly differentiation etc.)]

Another side of her happiness:
evaluate something generally considered bad if others do, but personally justified for the more harmless than to have. ["... But today I do not begrudge me the time ... " or "... but now has to be easy ..." or "... something is probably not as bad as that ..."]

Yet another side of her happiness:
to consider something as necessary and indispensable for a certain situation. ["That's just part of"]

And yet another side of her happiness:
Still on his familiar reality to persist, even if the best arguments for something else. ["That's just me!" or "That's just me!" or "How I stop!" or "Do not try to change me!"]


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